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 Contents of Root » Utility » Workbench

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addmenu.lha 53.376kb19 Oct 10Adds more menus to the OS4 Workbench
alignwindows.lha 1.61Mb16 Jan 12Workbench tool to stack windows
amimagicdemo.lha 0.242kb15 Jan 13Adds sounds to system events
amisnap.lha 1.09kb19 Mar 05iconify any window on your wb!
amisnap_fx.lha 1.448kb25 Nov 08Iconify any window on your wb with FX
amiupdate_french.lha 1.258kb26 Dec 10AmiUpdate French
amiupdate_german.lha 2.3220kb09 Jan 13German catalog files for AmiUpdate
amiupdate_greek.lha 2.327kb10 Jan 13Greek catalog files for AmiUpdate and Prefs
amiupdate_ita.lha 2.3246kb09 Feb 13Italian catalog files for AmiUpdate
amytimer.lha 1.367kb23 Nov 08A countdown timer
animapoint.lha 1.093kb06 Jan 08Animate your mouse pointer.
animicon.lha 1.1162kb05 Jun 12A little tool launcher
anotherwbfilter.lha 1.061kb13 Nov 07Select icons with wildcards
anotice_fr.lha 1.114kb22 Jun 07ANotice v2.1 french catalog
appmanager-fr.lha 1.03kb16 Dec 07AppManager v51.2 french catalog
appmanager.lha 51.4420kb07 Dec 10Application.library exchange clone
assignprefs.lha 1.0557kb12 Nov 06AssignPrefs - Simplifies assigning.
assignview.lha // 2.38kb02 Apr 09A simple tool to list all currently active Assigns
attachmail.lha 1.1424kb24 Feb 13Attach file(s) to YAM or SimpleMail by right mouse
autodock.lha 1.138kb03 Jul 09Move AmiDock to the default pub screen automaticly
autoupdatewb.lha 51.120kb25 Jul 05Automatic updating of Workbench drawer windows
awin.lha 1.07kb16 Sep 10Commoditie with emulate few win32 hotkeys/actions
backdropicons.lha 52.240kb01 Jun 07Script to make icons for wb-backdrop images
benchboards.lha 1.18Mb18 Nov 07Similar to Dashboard Widgets on OSX
cha05e90_wet_theme.lha 2.1556kb19 Dec 10cha05e90 Wet Theme
clipit.lha 2.0264kb08 Nov 05ClipIt V2 GUI for clipboard.device src included
clockskinsboard.lha 1.0996kb19 May 07Skinnable Clock for BenchBoards
cmeditor.lha 0.4b53kb22 Dec 07Context menus editor
cmeditor_greek.lha // 0.4b1kb21 Nov 12Greek catalog file for CMEditor
cmeditor_se.lha 0.4b1kb13 Feb 13Swedish translation of CMEditor 0.4b
contextmenu_fr.zip 1.637kb18 Nov 11French translation for "ContextMenus.cfg"
contextmenufr.lha 0.223kb28 Dec 06French ContextMenus.cfg translation for AmigaOS 4
contextmenus-danish.lha 2kb28 Dec 11Danish ContextMenus translation for AmigaOS4.1u2
contextmenus_cymraeg.zip // 12kb05 Jun 10Context Menu file in Cymraeg (Welsh)
contextmenus_ger.lha 1.25kb17 Nov 10German translation AmigaOS4.1Upd1 Contextmenus
contextmenus_ita.lha 1.02kb17 Jan 10Italian translation for AmigaOS4.1Upd1 Contextmenu
contextmenus_se.lha 1.0113kb14 Aug 12Context Menus for AmigaOS 4.1 in Swedish
contextmenusde.lha 2kb26 Dec 06German ContextMenus translation for AmigaOS4
contextmenuspl.lha 1.02kb25 Apr 10Polish ContextMenus translation for AmigaOS4.1u1
contextmenusscripts.lha 0.661kb03 Mar 08Scripts and config file for ContextMenus
copyicon.lha 44.514kb06 May 07Copy icon images from one icon to another
cpointer.lha 2.410kb26 Mar 12Centers Mouse Pointer On Screen and more.
cpuwatcher-src.lha 0.59kb05 Oct 09Source code for CPU Watcher
cpuwatcher.lha 0.518kb31 Aug 06Measures CPU, free memory and network traffic
depthmenu.lha // 2.4391kb30 Jan 06Popup menu for depth gadgets.
digiclock.lha 1.365kb26 Feb 11Clock for the Workbench titlebar
dragon.lha 0.222kb22 Aug 05DragOn - a screen dragging hack
eastern.lha 1.739kb21 Sep 08Creates thumbnail icons from images on the fly
eject.lha 1.116kb09 Jul 05Easy tool to eject/load CD-ROM or ZIP drives
excalibur.lha // 1.2.11Mb18 Dec 12Excalibur, a workbench start menu
flipclock.lha 53.22Mb09 Feb 13Nice Weather-Flipclock for your desktop
fuelgauge.lha 2.093kb03 Jul 09Volume gauges underneath hard drive icons
hexconverter.lha // 1.012kb02 Apr 09A simple tool to convert hex values into numeric
hexview.lha 1.142kb09 Feb 06A utility to view a file in a hexadecimal way
hypercontrol.lha 1.0106kb29 Aug 11Mouse gestures, wheel and double click control
jack.zip 3.2.513Mb27 Sep 12Multi-purpose utility for Workbench
lastused.lha 1.1117kb02 Dec 08List last used apps & docs
limpidclock.lha 1.17286kb01 Nov 06transparent clock / calendar
limpidclock_fr.lha 12kb01 Dec 05French catalog for Limpidclock
limpidclock_greek.lha 1.16kb24 Sep 12Greek catalog file for LimpidClock
linkmanager.lha 1.017kb15 Dec 10LinkManager
maclikedock.lha 3.0923kb07 Mar 10A Visually Impressive Program Launcher
mediarequestor.lha 0.0215kb18 Apr 06MediaRequestor
midmouse.lha V.1.231kb15 Feb 13Set the mousepointer to a given position
modicon.lha 52.424kb22 Sep 09Program to manipulate icons from the shell
multi_users.lha 0.93Mb26 Dec 10Multiuser system for the Amiga
multiclock.lha 1.065kb05 Dec 07Clock, with timer
multiuser.lha 1.0beta149kb06 Nov 08Multiuse: Enables user have there own settings.
newshellcurrentdir.lha 1.14kb18 Jun 05New Shell in current dir
nixieclock.lha 1.42625kb12 May 05Nixie tube clock
open_parent.rexx 1408b14 Jan 07close drawer, open parent, clean up, resize to fit
os4reboot.lha 0.7.236kb25 Aug 05Reboot utility for OS4
pingboing.lha 1.016kb06 Jan 08Make your mouse pointer bounce
pixelruler.lha 1.051kb15 Feb 07A pixel ruler
preferences.lha 1.011Mb30 Jan 11Grouped icons for starting apps found in SYS:Prefs
prefscenter.lha 1.4113kb21 May 11Launch prefs programs from a GUI
programlauncherppc.lha 1.0269kb01 Feb 05ProgramLauncherPPC - Similar to AmiDock Source inc
quickstarter.lha 1.7122kb30 Aug 11Quick program start menu
quickstarter_ita.lha 2.0924b19 Apr 09Italian catalog for QuickStarter
ramover.lha 0.330kb02 Nov 06Tool to move RAM disk icon to a preordained place
rememberopendrawers.lha 1.038kb20 Feb 12Remembers open drawers for next startup
reorg_win.rexx 1326b06 Jan 07cleanup by column & resize to fit & snapshot win
runicon.lha 53.125kb22 Sep 09Utility to run programs on workbench files.
saveramdisk.lha 1.019kb04 Nov 04Save the fixed Position of the RamDisk
screenmonitor.lha 1.379kb14 Jan 08Public screen monitoring utility
screenrotate.lha 1.05kb06 Nov 04Rotate Intuition Screens w/A1 & PC Keyboard
screenselect.lha 1.0748kb03 May 07A Screen Switcher Based on Mason's Mock Up
screenswitch.lha 51.6118kb13 Nov 04A small utility to make switching screens easier
screenthumbs.lha 1.963kb31 Oct 11Screen thumbnails
scriptlauncher.lha 1.256kb17 Jun 09A very configurable button-based program launcher
skinnableclock.lha 2.02Mb17 Jul 10A Skinnable Clock for Your Workbench
ssdr.lha 53.8213kb17 Dec 12Screen Switching Done Right
stardockbig.lha 1.12Mb21 Oct 10Wet StardockBIG Theme
startupmanager.lha 53.348kb16 Sep 08Allows proper control of startup modules
strbackdrop.lha 1.0.188kb23 Feb 05Random Workbench Backdrop Changer
switcher3d.lha 4.177kb06 Apr 12Window and screen switcher
sysmon.lha 2.8687kb24 Feb 13monitor for Process, Windows (+ kill) & misc info
sysmon_greek.lha // 2.07kb26 Sep 12Greek locale catalog for SysMon
tankampel.lha 1.01Mb08 Mar 12tankampel
taskview.lha 0.419kb13 Mar 12View currently running tasks
the2.lha 2.2121kb04 Jan 13Tools Menu and Hotkey Editor (T.H.E. 2)
themesaver.lha 1.1b891kb09 Aug 06Save and recall your Workbench themes easily
titlebarclock.lha 1.7175kb31 Mar 11Small clock (for WB titlebar)
titleclock.lha 1.27kb14 Dec 04Display the date and time in the WB title
tooltypeseditorppc.lha 2.179kb01 Feb 05ToolTypesEditorPPC - Edit Icon ToolTypes
users_and_groups.lha 1.255kb24 Dec 08users and groups config tool
wbcopynpaste.lha 1.02kb06 Dec 09Copy files in WB with Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V
wbkillwin.lha 1.017kb23 Jan 12An interactive program to kill windows
wbmakelink.lha 2.640kb11 Dec 11A tool to make links all over your volumes.
wbpreview.lha 1.554kb05 Feb 09Preview feature for Workbench
wbtitlebar.lha 1.018kb02 Dec 05Switch the workbench titlebar On/Off
wbtofront.lha 1.0144kb10 Dec 08Workbench to Front
wet.lha 6.12Mb23 Dec 10Weather conditions on WB, AppIcon, Docky
wet_update.lha 6.358kb27 May 12Wet weather software v6.3 patch
windowthumbs.lha 2.3144kb31 Oct 11Window thumbnails with LALT+TAB

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