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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Workbench » limpidclock.lha

Description: transparent clock / calendar
Install: limpidclock.lha
Size: 286kb 5
Version: 1.17
Date: 01 Nov 06
Author: Thomas Rapp
Submitter: Thomas Rapp
Email: thomas-rapp/web de
Homepage: http://picshow.ch.to
Requirements: Workbench 3.0+
Category: utility/workbench
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Shows the current time, an analog clock and a calendar of the current month
with today highlighted.

Needs Workbench 3.0+. On any WB below 3.5 it needs ClassAct, too.

New in version 1.17:

- added anti aliasing for analog clock
- added new clock hand type (squares)
- added possibility to scroll through months
- added ability to change behaviour of calendar (sticky popups, different
highlighting etc.)
- added texteditor.gadget replacement for OS 3.1 (use only on OS 3.1 and below
- fixed multi-select handling for menu items
- changed error message to list the missing ReAction/ClassAct classes
- changed about window to work correctly with PowerIcons and OS4.

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