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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Workbench » preferences.lha

Description: Grouped icons for starting apps found in SYS:Prefs
Install: preferences.lha
Size: 1Mb 5
Version: 1.01
Date: 30 Jan 11
Author: Marko K. Seppänen
Submitter: Marko Seppänen
Homepage: http://m4rko.com/amiga/software/preferences/
Requirements: Info (icon) datatype, RexxMast started
Category: utility/workbench
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Preferences - 1.01

A preferences window with grouped icons for launching the prefs-programs
found in "SYS:Prefs/". Please, see the snapshot(s) for examples how it looks.

This program needs the info (icon) datatype to be installed, if not
please install it before, you can find it here:

Further, it is assumed that the RexxMast (ARexx) is up and running.

- Groups the OS4.1 default Prefs-apps into five main categories.
- Uses the same images as the current icons set.
- Supports localisation.
- Possible to open the "Presets" WB drawer.
- Possible to open the "Prefs" WB drawer.
- AmiUpdate-prefs-app ("Updates") is supported.
- Help-key brings up the About window.

It becomes pretty nice, if it's added to the AmiDock :)

- To install, you could either:
  1) Just copy the whole "Preferences" drawer to anywhere you like and start
     it from there.
  2) Or, you can execute the script called "Install" in this archive.
     Afterwards you should find a program with the name "Preferences"
     in your SYS: drawer.
- To uninstall, execute the script called "Uninstall" in this archive,
  or simple delete the Preferences drawer and it's icon from where you've
  put it.

1.01: (Jan 2011)
- Included Finnish locale by Janne Peräaho.
- Fixed so locale tags can end with " (//)" as well.
- Made About window a little wider.

1.0: (Jan 2011)
- Pre-drawing with default icon turned off.
- Some minor other stuff.

Beta 1 (Alpha 3): (2010)
- Added language detection and support for basic localisation.
- Icon images are now centered with respect to their actual width and height.
- Icon images wider than 64 pixels are down-scaled to 64 pixels.
- Fixed a bug regarding loading icons without alpha channel.
- Looks for the default icon ("def_file.info") in several places starting with
  "ENV:" followd by "ENVARC:" and then "SYS:Prefs/Env-Archive/".
- The program is not terminated anymore if no default icon image is found,
  the image is simply skipped being rendered.
- Clarified the output text in the Install script.
- Added busy pointer during startup.
- Completed the (previously not working) About window (mapped to the Help key).

Alpha 2: (2010)
- Added install and uninstall scripts.
- Added a single group for the "Prefs" icon to open its WB drawer.
- Added WB icon, in case the app is iconified.
- The icons are rendered with the default icon prior to loading
  the native ones.
- Added checks in (CLASSES: and DEVS:) if the "info.datatype" is installed.
- A comprehensive update of the readme file.

Alpha 1: (2010)
- Initial release.

RexxMast (ARexx) started, Info (icon) datatype found here:

Marko Seppänen

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