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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Workbench » strbackdrop.lha

Description: Random Workbench Backdrop Changer
Install: strbackdrop.lha
Size: 88kb 5
Version: 1.0.1
Date: 23 Feb 05
Author: Douglas McLaughlin
Submitter: Douglas McLaughlin
Email: stricq/stricq com
Homepage: http://www.stricq.com/
Requirements: Amiga OS4 Beta, ARexx
Category: utility/workbench
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0

  This is a C++ written using some classes I built which wrap the Amiga OS
Libraries into an object oriented system.  This mostly explains the size of the
executable file.  Even though the source code is only about 50 lines of code, it
uses several classes which interface with the Amiga OS.

  STRBackdrop takes only one argument which must be present.  This is (quoted if
necessary)  a fully pathed filename of an image that will become the current
Workbench backdrop.  This only changes the preferences file in ENV: so no
permanent changes are made to the preferences file in ENVARC:  This program is
not a hack (as my previous attempts have been.)  It uses the iffparse.library in
order to properly parse and save the preferences using the exact same data
structures used by WBPattern.

  Since this program only changes the image filename for the Workbench itself,
you must preset an image for the Workbench using WBPattern and set the other
quality and centered/tiling options as desired.  Thereafter, this program will
change the image as desired from the commandline.  Used in conjuction with the
provided ARexx script RandomBackdrop.rexx, this entire process can be fully
automated and not need any further interaction.


  This ARexx script performs the dirty work of selecting an image filename from
a prepared list of images (see the script itself for further information.) 
Simply add the following to your S:User-Startup script:

Run <>NIL: Rx Path:To/RandomBackdrop.rexx 15

  Change the 15 to the number of minutes desired between image changes.  If left
off completely, the script will change the backdrop and exit immediately.

Douglas F. McLaughlin

Verison 1.0.1:

o Small fix for the ARexx script.

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