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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Workbench » titlebarclock.lha

Description: Small clock (for WB titlebar)
Install: titlebarclock.lha
Size: 175kb 5
Version: 1.7
Date: 31 Mar 11
Author: Tuomas Hokka
Submitter: Tuomas Hokka
Requirements: AmigaOS4.x (v52+), Eject for TitlebarEject, Curl for TitlebarStatus
Category: utility/workbench
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
This is a small clock which one can put anywhere on screen but it's small enough
to put on top of the WB title bar. It has also a system uptime display (enable
DISPLAY_UPTIME tooltype). Now there's also displays to show amount of free
memory, amount of video memory and if network is up or down. Network status
display is clickable to enable or disable network.

Note: Enabling Borderless tooltype makes the whole clock window narrower so it
suits better to be used together with some GUI themes and narrower screen
titlebars (for example SilverGreen theme).

* TitlebarEject: The eject button opens/closes f.ex. CDROM drive tray.
.lha or any equivalent utility.

* TitlebarStatus:
Use this little utility to set if you're away or online on social media:
Supporting currently: SabreMSN, Wookiechat and Twitter (Requires: Curl command
in C: directory).

* TitlebarTune:
Small toolbar to control Tunenet.

Version history:
- 1.7 (31st March 2011):
 - Fixed: Uptime minutes were calculated wrong when system had been
   running longer than 24 hours
 - Auto positioning should work a little bit better now

- 1.6 (9th March 2011):
 - Added notification of every hour or every 30 mins (requires AmigaOS 4.1+),
   enable and set NOTIFY tooltype to enable

- 1.5 (7th March 2011):
 - Added two new programs: TitlebarStatus and TitlebarTune
 - No changes in the TitlebarClock itself

- 1.5 (31st January 2011):
 - New tooltypes (options/features)

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