Workbench CopyNPaste
Copy files from one dir to another (on same disk) in
Workbench with only a keypress.
Version: 1.0
Author: Joakim Nordström
Date: 2009-12-06
Requirements: OS4
What is it?
Have you ever tried to copy files in Workbench, on the same
disk, only finding you have to choose "Copy" from the Icons-menu,
and then move the files to the new drawer and then rename away
the "Copy of"?
Well, no more of this! Introducing the WBCopyNPaste Arexx-scripts!
The archive contains two ARexx-scripts: Copy.rexx and Paste.rexx.
Copy.rexx stores the name of the currently selected icons in the
active window, which then Paste.rexx reads, and copies to the
current active window.
Copy "Copy.rexx" and "Paste.rexx" to S:REXX/
Configure two new keys with FKey:
Execute ARexx, choose the Copy.rexx-script
Pass keypresses should be active.
Execute ARexx, choose the Paste.rexx-script
Pass keypresses should be active.
Go to any open drawer, select a few files, hit Ctrl-C!
Now go to any other drawer and hit Ctrl-V and see the
files being copied.
Fetaures and limitations:
* Only copies from one drawer to another
* .info files are also copied (when exists)
* Does NOT ask for confirmation when overwriting
* Ask for confirmation when overwriting
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