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Description: monitor for Process, Windows (+ kill) & misc info
Install: sysmon.lha
Size: 687kb 5
Version: 2.8
Date: 24 Feb 13
Author: Guillaume Boesel (zzd10h)
Submitter: Guillaume Boesel (zzd10h)
Email: guillaume/boesel fr
Requirements: MUI NList.mcc
Category: utility/workbench
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
Yet another (little) System Monitor

	-AmigaOS 4.1.3 (for support of the AboutBox MUI class)
	-NList.mcc MUI class (
	-PNG	.iconmodule for PNG icon (
	-info datatype if a GlowIcon is used as SysMon.info (like for the Frank
'Cha05e90' Ruthe .info file in Data/Cha05e90 drawer)
	if AmigaOS < 4.1.3,
		set the ToolType ABOUTBOX=NO to switch to a "classic" About window.	


-Add of Ringhio notifications for :
	-Close of windows
	-Freeze and Change priority of tasks
	-Begin/End of RageMem
	Thank to Tony 'Sinisrus' Canazza for the notification picture of SysMon

-Add of Bubble Help to various IDETool gadget. 
	To work, the quick help must be set in the MUI settings
	Thank to Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh for the suggestion.


-Standardization of all the tabs sizes.

-Add of a "CD Eject" right mouse button submenu in the Volume Tab
	When selected for a CD/DVD volume, the media will be ejected (it uses the
IDETool eject function)  

-Add of an IDETool tab...
	Thank to Lionel 'Lion' Muller for the idea

	This tab lists all your devices that are manageable by IDETool. 
	you will have the possibility to : 
		-see some infos about your units
		-change transfer mode (between all modes availables for your unit)
		-put in standby, active or deactivated state mode (take care with
"deactivated" mode, your system have very greats chances to freeze) 
		-open / close your drive if it's a CD-ROM drive

	If you want to make permanent change (and that you don't want to modify your
UBoot settings) 
		1) you can copy the IDETool command to the Clipboard (button "Copy to
		2) and paste it in your S:User-Startup (that you can open with the button
"Open S:User-Startup").  	
		3) Warm Reboot with the "Reboot" button 

-Add of a Messages Port tab who list all opened ports
	Add ToolType AUTOPORTLIST (ON/OFF), default OFF, to auto-refresh this tab at
	A button "Send Arexx messages" allows to send a ARexx messages to one port 
	(the send of message is based on Thomas Rapp rexx.c source
	 many thanks !).

	Take care when you send Arexx messages that the destination port handle ARexx

-RageMem tab, to minimize GUI size :
		-remove of Sam440 and AmigaOneXE
		-remove of Cache L3 size

Many thanks to
	Lionel 'Lio' Muller, Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh and Joel 'Joeled' Edberg for the
tests on this release	
	and to 
	Thomas 'TommySammy' Blatt, Javier de las Rivas, Anthony 'Phantom' Iliakis,
Urban 'Niolator' Åhlin for the translations


-Remove of http://checkip.dyndns.org to determinate the external IP address
	Now, SysMon uses a PHP script hosted by amiga-ng.org (thanks K-L)

-Fix some graphical glitches during swap of tabs

-Add of "MUI..." submenu to access SysMon MUI settings

-Fix the button's shortcuts by replacing KeyButton by SimpleButton (thanks


-Add of RageMem in the Data/RageMem directory.
	No more need to download it especially for SysMon (thanks Crisot)

-MUI interface reworked to allow to resize better the window	
	(thanks Kas1e for the idea)

-Add of requester to allow to choose the network interface at startup 
	in case of multiples network interface 
	(thanks Kas1e for the idea & for the tests)

-Add of a new icon from Frank 'Cha05e90' Ruthe in the Data/Cha05e90 drawer. To
use this one, you need to install the info datatype 
	Thank you, Frank

-Fix a bug in case of multiple graphic cards (bad graphic library displayed and
bad entries in System graphic cards Nlist) 

-Fix a bug in the network counter if more than 4gb of data are downloaded

Guillaume 'zzd10h' Boesel


-Add Graphic driver version in the OS part of System tab (with others OS library
versions) . 

-Add of support of navigation with tab key (thank you Samir to notice me this

-Add Libraries Tab 
	to show the libraries who are loaded by the system. 
	Add ToolType AUTOLIBRARY (ON/OFF), default OFF, to auto-refresh this tab at

-Add Benchmark Tab	
(thank you Crisot to allow me to interface SysMon with your program, and K-L for
the idea)

	this tab uses RageMem v0.37 (to be installed separately) from Crisot (see above
for link)
	During the execution of RageMem it's normal that your Amiga be freezed.
	The results of your Amiga will be showed on the right side of the tab (lighter
	The results are just 'for fun' and may not be accurate for recents hardware
like Sam460 & x1000 !	
	RageMem is searched in APPDIR:RageMem, if you have just installed RageMem and
never run it, 	
you can specify his Path in the ToolType RAGEMEM_PATH 

-Add of shortcuts to select choices in the requesters 
(thank Samir for the idea and many thanks to Gazelle for the solution)

-Add of INTERFACE ToolType to allow SysMon to bind your correct TCPIP interface,

if SysMon is not able to determine it (if not just 1 interface, SysMon can
choose the bad one without this ToolType)

-And thank again to all the translators :)


Changes in this release :

-Swedish Catalog by Urban 'Niolator' Åhlin with the help of Joel 'Joeled' Edberg
(thanks you Urban & Joel and, of course, Thomas for the swedish catalog flag)

-Add Right Mouse Button contextual menus for all the tabs
	The actions availables in these Contextual Menus are the same as the tabs

-Add ABOUTBOX ToolType to allow to use SysMon on AmigaOS < 4.1.3 (tested OK on
AmigaOS 4.1.1)
	ABOUTBOX = ON/OFF (default ON) 
		OFF disable the AboutBox MUI class and use a "classic" About Box window.

-Fix a bug who caused crash of SysMon in the following cases :
	if confirmation requester was called after that SysMon was
	if SysMon was auto-killed after that SysMon was iconified/deiconified 


Changes in this release

-Max In/Out network bandwith added
     As in Massi's very nice NetSpeedometer, I have added the max In/Out network
     To be calculated, the Auto-refresh on System tab must be ON and the System
tab must be visible.  

-Refresh only on visible tab
    Now, when a tab is not visible, the dependents informations are not
refreshed even if auto-refresh is checked for this tab. 
    SysMon must be more stable (less useless system calls)
    Therefore, now, if iconified, no update is done.
    Thanks to Philippe 'Elwood' Ferrucci to notify me this mistake.
-At startup, tab are populated only when selected 
    At startup the tab are just populated when they are first selected.
    Therefore, I remove all the STARTxxxx Tooltype who are now useless (except

-Use of APPDIR: for wget
    If the WANIP_WGET_PATH is not used, the wget command is now called with
       Therefore, wget doesn't need to be in the System PATH, you just need to
call it once and the System will remember where wget is.
       This cache is persistent (at least 12 months for unused programs)
       The WANIP_WGET_PATH is, now, not really useful (maybe for the first time
if wget is not in PATH and that it was never called...).
    Thanks to Javier de las Rivas for this tip.

-ToolTypes for Volumes & Assigns opening mode
	Add 2 ToolTypes to choose the opening mode of Volumes or Assigns drawers (by
clicking on Open button or by double-clicking on a element of the list)
         WBOPEN_SHOW   = DEFAULT (default), ALL, ICONS
     	If DEFAULT (or if the ToolType is commented) no display changes, it's your
Workbench setting that is taken.
     Thanks to Scripjester for this remark.                                  

	(ON/OFF, default ON) 
	to bypass the name resolution of remote host on Netstat tab (hostname
resolution was causing troubles for one person).

-Add ToolType DEBUG 
	(ON/OFF, default OFF) 
	to print some debug informations.

-Fix a bug who avoided to set PRIORITY=0 by ToolType, Priority was forced to 2

-Fix a bug who could cause DSI crash in Picasso96 library during Graphic card
information refresh.

-At startup, 2 users (at least) have noticed a Recoverable Alert when clicking
in the System tab (during the OS jingle playing). 
	I'm unable to reproduce this problem but NoGuru (at least the version 2) seems
to hide this alert.


Changes in this release

-Greek Catalog by Anthony 'Phantom' Iliakis (thanks you Anthony and, of course,
Thomas for the greek catalog flag)

-Fix the scrolling problem by decreasing the priority of SysMon (priority 50 to
2) below input.device's priority (priority 20)
	 Now, I know that to set priority > 10 is forbidden ;)

-Add ToolType PRIORITY to set the priority of SysMon at startup (default to 2).
	Notice that if priority > 20 ( 20 = priority of input.device) the NList
scrolling doesn't work well with the scrollbar
		   and if priority < 2 the NList is blinking when auto-refresh is activated
(visible on the Tasks list)   

-Add External IP address in Network group of the System tab
	Determinated thanks to  http://checkip.dyndns.org and wget (wget need to be in
path, SYS:C for example)  
	wget is available at

-Add ToolType WANIP = ON/OFF (default OFF) to control the resolution of External
IP address. 
	If WANIP=OFF (or if WANIP is commented) no call to http://checkip.dyndns.org is

-Add ToolType WANIP_WGET_PATH to specify the path of wget (if not in system
	If commented, wget will be called from the system PATH
	ToolType useful only if WANIP=ON and if wget is not in the PATH (for example,
not in System:C/)

-Add ToolType DEBUGSLEEP to allow to differ the start of functions of x seconds
at SysMon startup
	ToolType added to resolve a problem on one SAM440 when started at boot from
AmiDock (no problem from the Network-Startup)
	Not possible to reproduce this issue on my system (or on another SAM440 system)

-Add a new label beside the Task's priority slider to be more explicit.

-Add 6 ToolTypes to control the startup of each tabs when SysMon starts (default
= ON)
	It can be useful if a function causes trouble on specific configuration. 

-To note that I have had some stability problems with the last release of the
NList class (20.132 12/08/06). 
	No problem with the previous NList class (20.131 12/05/12) 
Guillaume 'zzd10h' Boesel


Changes in this release

-Fix auto-refresh issue who freezed SysMon each second

-Spanish Catalog by Javier de las Rivas (thanks you Javier and, of course,
Thomas for the spanish catalog flag)

-Add a new ToolType "AUTOREFRESH" to set the interval (integer number) of
Auto-refresh (1 second by default if AUTOREFRESH is not set or invalid)

-Registered on AmiUpdate repository with autoinstall script (not tested for the
moment, hoping that it will works!)

-New MUI AboutBox windows (thanks Kas1e for the MUI include) 
Therefore SysMon must no more be compatible with AmigaOS 4.1.3 and below (just
tested on AmigaOS 4.1.5) 

-I don't know why but it seems that during a cold start if SysMon (with
auto-refresh) and a program, for example SimpleMail, who resides in a SFS/0
volume are launched at the same time, SysMon fails with DSI. 
If the program (SimpleMail) is launched from a SFS/2 volume, it works.

If somebody could give me some clues to find :
-why the NList vertical scroll bar does just refresh when the mouse button is
released ?
-how to localize the title of the AboutBox window (Aboutbox.mcc class) and the
"OK" button ?
it will be nice :)

Guillaume 'zzd10h' Boesel 


More infos in the included ReadMe.txt

Changes in this release

-Italian Catalog by Samir 'Samo79' Hawamdeh

-German Catalog by Thomas 'TommySammy' Blatt

-"IconsReworked" by Thomas 'TommySammy' Blatt 

-Icon by Tony 'Sinisrus' Canazza

-Add Auto-Refresh checkBox for each tabs

-Add of 6 ToolTypes to control the Auto-Refresh function for each tabs at
-new Netstat like tab (thanks Gazelle to post how to use GetNetworkStatistics()
on AmigaWorld)
         with local IP:port remote IP:port, socket state and remote hostname

-new MUI Menu (with right mouse button)
        from a nice tutorial found on the current AmigaFuture issue! 
-Windows tab :
	Add of a "Drawer" column to show if a window is a Workbench drawer (very
dangerous to kill it !)
	Double-click on a window line to "identify" the target window

-Volumes tab :
	Add of a "Open" button to open the selected volume with SHOW ALL option
	Double-click on a volume to open the selected volume with SHOW ALL option

-Assigns tab :
	Add of a "Open" button to open the selected assign's directory with SHOW ALL
	Double-click on a volume to open the selected assign's directory with SHOW ALL

-Systems tab :
	Add default network Gateway address (thank again Gazelle)

-Many thanks Samir & Thomas for your fast (and everyday) translation and your
numerous tests ;)
-and Thomas (again) & Tony for the icons.

Hoping that it can be useful to somebody.

Guillaume 'zzd10h' Boesel

SysMon v1.10
Initial release

SysMon is a little MUI tool (that I enjoyed to build) for

-Monitor Windows
	 with the possibility to identify a particular window and
	 to kill it (it's really safer to only kill the frozen windows to avoid a
	 system outage) 

-Monitor the Tasks/Process
	with various informations and the possibility to change priority of a
	particular Task/Process (or to freeze it)

-Monitor the Volumes mounted
	with various storage & filesystem informations.

-Monitor the Assign list

-Monitor some systems infos
         like OS version, Processor infos, RAM, uptime, GFX card and infos

You have to click on the Refresh button to refresh the informations (all the
tabs are refreshed at the same time) 

The Close Window and the list of Tasks functions are inspired from the
CloseWindowSafely function and tasklist.c from wiki.amigaos.net (thanks) 

French Catalog included.

The Catalog's sources and makefile to build it are included in
Catalogs\Build_Catalog (I know that my english translation is really bad ) 

It's my first C program on Amiga, therefore thanks to say me if you encounter
some bugs (excepted if your Amiga crashed when an busy window is killed :) ) 

and thanks to Tony 'Sinisrus' Canazza for the icon/png

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