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Miscellaneous shell based utilities

allocmem.lha 1.35kb17 Jun 12A Shell command to reduce memory available
ami-copy.lha 52.314kb18 Jul 10A "Copy" like Shell command
ami-printscreen.lha 52.214kb27 Nov 10A Window$ like screen grabber
aztree.lha 1.128kb12 Jan 07Prints directory tree with subdirs and files
backupcopy.tar.gz 1.05Mb05 Feb 13Copy, synchronise, mirror and archive filesystems
bck10times.lha 115kb22 Jun 05Backup AmigaOS4 10 times
bogo.lzx 1.228kb27 May 06BogoMIPS - the UNIX CPU speed tester
bootvolume.lha 1.23kb21 Nov 11Boot volume finder
cd-dot-dot.lha 2.223kb10 Jan 11Makes it possible to type CD.. or CD .. in shell
cliexchange.lha 1.519kb15 Nov 05Shell equivalent to Exchange
cmp.lha 1.0015kb22 Nov 08Replacement for the Arp command cmp
crash.lha 2.038kb14 Jun 08Triggers Grim Reaper and/or Guru alerts
crc_tools.lzx 1.037kb09 Jun 04CRC tools
delay.lha 1.08kb25 Jun 06Wait any number of ticks (1/50th sec.)
devlist.lha 41.24kb28 Aug 05Device lister with opencnt and versions
die.lha 1.01kb01 Oct 08Kill your Amiga!
dsize.lha 1.010kb06 Sep 1164-bit capable directory size utility
dt2iff.lha 0.15kb27 Sep 06Datatype -> IFF converter
echo2debug.lha 1.113kb18 Nov 05Echo a string to the debug output
flush.lha 1.620kb16 Feb 06Flush unused libraries,devices and fonts from RAM.
fsay.lha 1.011kb20 Oct 07A "Say" command for flite.device
fsl.lha 2.32kb07 Aug 06Lists files with sizes in a easily readable format
gnu-sed-ss.lha 4.1.4-1331kb30 Nov 05The GNU sed stream editor
gnu-sed.lha 4.0.9154kb20 Oct 05Shell based text stream editor
headtail.lha 1.345kb23 Nov 05Show first/last n lines/chars/blocks of a file
icontypechange.lha 4kb22 Jul 12A CLI command to change the type of an icon
id3point.lha 1.020kb22 Mar 11ID3 Tagger with batch functionality
itimecalc.lha 1.110kb13 Sep 06Shows current Swatch Beat (Internet time) w/src
liblist.lha 41.24kb28 Aug 05Library lister with opencnt and versions
list68k.lha 1.046kb17 Aug 04Scans all 68k programs in the directory tree
listdyndep.lha 53.25kb11 Oct 10Lists dynamic dependencies
loggerwindow.lha 0.148kb01 Apr 08LoggerWindow is a program to provide a logging win
makemountlist.lha 1.97kb09 Oct 06Creates MountList entry for devices
marvel.lha 1.16kb14 Dec 10A CLI-command to meddle with multi assigns
mkpasswd.lha 8kb09 Nov 05Small program for generating 'random' passwords
mpos.lha 1.003kb03 Oct 11Set the Mouseposition from shell
noguru.lha 3.051kb16 Sep 12NoGuru redirects gurumediations to ringhio
openguide.lha 1.14kb14 Jun 12Command to open an Amigaguide at specified node
pciscan.lha 1.4141kb08 Mar 06Lists, or tests for attached PCI devices
pegoff.lha 1.02kb12 Sep 09CLI command to power down your Pegasos II
popurl.lha // 1.48kb17 Apr 07Small OS4 equivalent of OpenURL shell command
rand.lha 5kb16 Jan 07execute random commands from a file
rearg.lha 1.04kb14 Dec 04Adds flexibility to Alias command
requestlist.lha 1.024kb27 Jul 09List options in a list from scripts
reslist.lha 41.24kb28 Aug 05Lists all resources with address information
sam440ep_setup.lha 1.352kb07 Feb 12A utility to optimize your Sam440ep performance
sam460ex_setup.lha 1.059kb13 Jun 12A utility to optimize your Sam460ex performance
scriptmania.rar 1361kb22 Apr 05Shell scripts for AmigaOS 3.1 to 4.0
setdefpubscreen.lha 1.029kb17 Apr 08CLI tool to change default public screen
showfiles.lha 0.92149kb30 Jan 13DIR command - shows a sorted & text-formatted list
snoti.lha 1.020kb18 Sep 06Run command when files/dirs are changed (notify)
start_stopp_shid.lha 1.05kb06 May 05Start and stopp script for shid
tasklist.lha 41.15kb28 Aug 05Task lister with pri, stack and versions
timer.lha 1.226kb05 Aug 06Time how long it takes to execute a command
times.lha 0.217kb07 Oct 10Check offset between local time and server time
verify.lha 1.1131kb05 Jun 05Scans and tests files in a directory.
waitforkey.lha 1.115kb05 Oct 11wait for a key press by user - vbcc recompile
waitnotify.lha 1.225kb22 Jul 09Wait for a file or directory modification
wbclose.lha 1.07kb23 Nov 05Close drawers from the shell and scripts
wbopen.lha 1.07kb23 Nov 05Open drawers and icons from the shell and scripts
winpos.lha 1.045kb10 Oct 11Allows each window to give a different size

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