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Description: DIR command - shows a sorted & text-formatted list
Install: showfiles.lha
Size: 49kb 5
Version: 0.921
Date: 30 Jan 13
Author: Marko K. Seppänen
Submitter: Marko Seppänen
Homepage: http://www.m4rko.com/amiga/software/showfiles/
Requirements: locale.library V48+ or DOS V50.36+ if locale not available
Category: utility/shell
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
ShowFiles (SF) - 0.921

ShowFiles (SF) is yet another DIR command (written in C).  It displays a sorted
and text-formatted list of files, drawers (dirs) and soft/hard-links on disk or
other storage medium. It will also display their additional information such as
size,  date,  possible comment,  executable  header type  (68k or ELF program),
protection-bits, etc, etc.

It supports a number of different options/switches, please type "sf HELP" (alt.
"sf --help") for listing all options  or  type "sf MANUAL" (alt. "sf --manual")
for the manual,  when in shell after installation.  Or look in the .doc-file in
the archive.

(ShowFiles was previously named (DF) DisplayFiles.)

- Abbreviated as SF or just sf - fast and easy to type in the shell.
- Dirs/drawers are displayed in blue color (pen 3).
- Hard/Softlinks are displayed underscored (underlined).
- Shows where any Hard/Softlinks points to.
- Possible comments are displayed in italic.
- Displays the "primitive" file type of files.
- Fetches and identifies executable headers (68k, ELF, EXE, among others).
- Displays the Amiga file protection bits of files.
- Shows free disk space and sizes in KiB (1024), kB (1000) and bytes.
- Options for sorting by size and time/date.
- Option for reversing the output list.
- Options for displaying only files, dirs or links. Or intermix them.
- Option to "trail" files with an initial character ('/', '*' or (at)-char).
- Possibility to specify a path to display.
- Shows OwnerUID, OwnerGID, UseCount and ObjectID (as reported by DOS).
- Supports multiple formats of options/switches (f.ex: TIME --time -t /T).
- Supports automatic updates through AmiUpdate.
- Written for Amiga on an Amiga.

Notes for this release
*** IMPORTANT: A serious bug was found in version 0.9, avoid that version. ***
- This release is minor release with a fix for AmiUpdate, exe is still 0.92.
- This release has no new options only bugfixes and improvements.
- The first option to be implemented next is ALL.
- ShowFiles (SF) was renamed from DisplayFiles (DF) because DF clashed/clashes
  with the UNIX/Linux command df.
- For more info and details see the .doc-file in the archive.

Displaying dir-listings
There are 3 main OUTPUT VIEWS for displaying dir-listings, typing the
following (without the < character):

1> sf
displays all the files in current dir with the *default* view.

1> sf MORE
displays a list with more specific information including what exe type a file
is (elf, 68k, exe etc.)

displays an even more clarified list of specific information.

More examples
1> sf TIME
sorts by time/date (oldest first).

sorts by time/date (newest/latest first).

1> sf DIRS
displays only drawers (dirs).

displays a list of files sorted by size, the biggest at the top.

1> sf.exe sobjs: -l -c
displays only links in the dir/assignment called sobjs:

1> sf HELP
displays the help with a list of all switches/commands.

1> sf MANUAL
display the manual.

- When fetching for exe-files (using MORE or CLARIFY option, SF doesn't
recognize the architecture for MacOS files, it does only recognize if it's
an exe-file (for what ever architecture) or not.)

Just run the file ShowFiles.Install

Requires locale.library V48+ or DOS V50.36+ if locale not available.

Version 0.921: (Jan 2013)
  - Moved AutoInstall to the root.
Version 0.92: (Dec 2012)
  - Fixed bug, "Total size listed is always 0 in the footer."
  - Fixed the AutoInstall, there were some unknown parameters (oops).
  - Changed the footer info so files and dirs are separate, and items is the
    total of those, among other minor there in the footer.
Version 0.91: (Dec 2012)
  - Fixed a serious bug introduced in version 0.9 after adding options.
  - Changed file structure, Install, Uninstall and AutoInstall scripts to the 
    one structure suggested by cha05e90, where no dir is created C: .
  - Added credits and made lots of improvments to the documentation, except
    for what's new.
  - Changed the primitive file type "Exe" back to "Exec" (as it was in the
    beginning), since "Exe" is a type of Executable-Header).
  - Fixed a few other minor bugs (AmiUpdate bug among others (hopefully)).
Version 0.9: (Dec 2012)
  - Added options for FILES, DIRS, and LINKS, it is also possible to
    intermix them.
  - Changed the name for "EHead" to "Exe" (and "eh" to "e").
  - Fetching of exe-headers -> little faster (some code cleaned up there).
  - Updated Install/Uninstall scripts further, to be more safer and error
    resistant, and typos fixed.
  - Updated the documentation some further, except for documenting what's new.
  - Output slightly changed.
Version 0.8: (Nov 2012)
  - DF (DisplayFiles) renamed to ShowFiles (SF) because DF was clashing with
    the UNIX/Linux command df, (thanks Beeblebrox). ShowFiles was the winning
    name on a Poll on AmigaWorld.net 2011, the name was suggestied by kas1e).   

  - New: Added install and uninstall scripts, and links to executable.
  - Changed the structure of files (the executable file, links, doc-file, etc).
  - Updated AutoInstall to reflect the renaming to ShowFiles and the new
    file structure.
  - ShowFiles is now out of Beta (with regard to the base engine).
Beta 7 - (0.7): (Apr 2011)
  - Added info to footer-output about amount of dirs listed.
  - Fixed bug, "dirs and files with same size are not sorted when sorting
    by SIZE".
  - Fixed issue, "multiple messages on error".
  - Fixed a few other minor issues.
Beta 6 - (0.6): (Mar 2011)
  - Optimized the "fetching-of-executable-headers" procedure. -> Moved
    "fetching-of-executable-headers" to fetch while printing the output
    resulting smoother executation (less delay before anything is printed,
    especially on large dirs). 
  - Added a SIZE option so the list can be sorted by size.
  - Added a TRAIL option that will trail dirs with an initial '/', executable
    headers with an '*', and links with an (at)-char.
  - Renamed the option "DETAILS" to "CLARIFY" ("D" will be reserved for
    another usage.
  - Renamed the option "FAST" to "QUICK" ("F" will be reserved for
    another usage.
  - Swapped "kB" and "KiB" columns in the DETAILS view.
  - Added DEFAULT option so the default listing can be forced (in future).
  - Fixed a few other minor bugs.
Beta 5 - (0.5): (Feb 2011)
  - Added TIME option/switch so the list can be sorted by time and date.
  - Added REVERSE option/switch so the list can be displayed in reverse order.
  - Changed so that protection bits are showed in short format in the MORE
    view (to save some space).
  - Renamed the option "ALL" to "DETAILS" (ALL is reserved for another
    future option).
  - Renamed primitive file type "Drawer" to "Dir" (shorter -> perhaps better).
  - Added so that the VERSION option prints out the "Amiga version string" too.
  - Added AutoInstall script for AmiUpdate.
  - Fixed bug, "all columns not correctly aligned with some date formats", 
    (thanks samo79).
Beta 4 - (0.4): (Feb 2011)
    ... /snip/

    (See doc for more info.)

Thank You
Thank you all for your help, feedback, bug/error-reports and suggestions.

This software is freeware.

If you like to support/motivate my work on Amiga, you can make a donation by
using Paypal on the homepage url or at: http://m4rko.com/amiga Thanks! :)

Marko K. Seppänen


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