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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Shell » openguide.lha

Description: Command to open an Amigaguide at specified node
Install: openguide.lha
Size: 4kb 5
Version: 1.1
Date: 14 Jun 12
Author: xenic
Submitter: xenic
Requirements: AmigaOS PPC - amigaguide.library
Category: utility/shell
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Name: OpenGuide

Format: OpenGuide [NAME] <filename> [NODE <nodename>] [PUBSCREEN <name>]


Default ARexx Port: OPENGUIDE<.port#.port#> (e.g. OPENGUIDE.1.1)

Example: OpenGuide docs.guide NODE about PUBSCREEN Internet PORT MYPORT

  OpenGuide is a shell command that will open a named AmigaGuide
  at a specified node on a specified screen with a specified port.
  If no node argument is specified the guide will open at the "main"
  node. If no screen argument is specified the guide will be opened
  on the default public screen. The default port name "OPENGUIDE"
  will be used if no port argument is specified. Amigaguide.library
  will add port numbers to the port name to distinguish multiple
  instances of opened AmigaGuides.

  OpenGuide is synchronous and will not return to the command line
  until the user closes the AmigaGuide. The opened guide can be
  controlled with the standard AmigaGuide ARexx commands.

  Some AmigaGuide ARexx commands must be addressed to the primary
  port number (OPENGUIDE.1) and others addressed to the secondary
  port number (OPENGUIDE.1.1). Here are some examples:
     rx "ADDRESS OPENGUIDE.1.1;NEXT"      (move to next node)
     rx "ADDRESS OPENGUIDE.1.1;PREVIOUS"  (move back one node)
     rx "ADDRESS OPENGUIDE.1.1;RETRACE"   (move to last viewed node)
     rx "ADDRESS OPENGUIDE.1;LINK mylink" (move to specified node)
     rx "ADDRESS OPENGUIDE.1;LINK main"   (move to main node)
     rx "ADDRESS OPENGUIDE.1;QUIT"        (Close the AmigaGuide)

Source included.


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