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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Shell » gnu-sed-ss.lha

Description: The GNU sed stream editor
Install: gnu-sed-ss.lha
Size: 331kb 5
Version: 4.1.4-1
Date: 30 Nov 05
Author: Free Software Foundation (port by Nicolas Mendoza)
Submitter: Steven Solie
Email: ssolie/telus net
Category: utility/shell
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
sed reads the specified files or the standard input if no
files are specified, makes editing changes according to a
list of commands, and writes the results to the standard

This is the binary package

Compiled with:

Amiga paths:
./configure --prefix=/amiga/source/sed-4.1.4-ppc-amigaos-bin AR=ppc-amigaos-ar
CC=ppc-amigaos-gcc --host=ppc-amigaos 

Unix paths:
./configure --program-suffix=-unix
--prefix=/amiga/source/sed-4.1.4-ppc-amigaos-bin AR=ppc-amigaos-ar
CC=ppc-amigaos-gcc --host=ppc-amigaos LIBS=-lunix

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