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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Shell » makemountlist.lha

Description: Creates MountList entry for devices
Install: makemountlist.lha
Size: 7kb 5
Version: 1.9
Date: 09 Oct 06
Author: Dirk Stoecker, OS4 compile by Fredrik Wikstrom
Submitter: Fredrik Wikstrom
Email: fredrik/a500 org
Homepage: http://a500.org
Category: utility/shell
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
A quick & dirty port of Dirk Stoecker's MakeMountList program on Aminet

-- original readme --


This programm gets only one argument, the name of the device you want the
mountlist entry for. The name may be with or without ':'.

E.g. "MakeMountList DF0:" or "MakeMountList DF0".

This produces an output like that (without line numbers):

 1 DF0:
 2         Device          = trackdisk.device
 3         Unit            = 0
 4         Priority        = 10
 5         StackSize       = 600
 6         GlobVec         = 0
 7         Surfaces        = 2
 8         BlocksPerTrack  = 11
 9         Reserved        = 2
10         LowCyl          = 0
11         HighCyl         = 79
12         Buffers         = 5
13         BufMemType      = 1
14         MaxTransfer     = 0x200000
15         Mask            = 0x7FFFFFFE
16         BootPri         = 5
17         DosType         = 0x444F5300
18         BootBlocks      = 2
19 #

If you are running OS below 2.0, you may add this entry to DEVS:MountList
as it is. If you are using OS2.0 or up, you should take lines 2 to 18 into
a file with name of line 1 (here DF0) and copy that to DEVS:DosDrivers.
Add an standard project icon with following settings:
 default tool set to "C:Mount"
 only one tooltype ACTIVATE=1 (if it should be activated immediately) or
                   ACTIVATE=0 (if it should be activated on first access)

Use either cut and paste feature to create the file, or use output
redirection like "MakeMountList DF0 >DEVS:DosDrivers/DF0". Do not forget
to delete first and last line!

Starting the program without argument or with wrong name results in a list
of available handlers.

The programm is multi reentrant and can be made resident (pure bit).

Compared to other programs like GenML and MountInfo, this tool brings
most time a lot better results, but as for the others the results are not
fully valid in all cases. So use the generated stuff with care and see
if printed results are usable or maybe chaotic. This is because some of
the variables are used for storing pointers to structures or pointers to
strings or numbers.
At least for all my devices the created data is correct and the program
produces no longer Enforcer hits.

For example for trackdisk.device and high density disk drives, the
contents of a mountlist entry may change, when a different disk type is
inserted (first HD [22 BlocksPerTrack], then DD [11 BlocksPerTrack]).

!!! Use generated entries with care always.
!!! Do not use this tool if you do not understand what you are doing.
!!! It may destroy your devices, if you create and use defective mount
!!! entries.

Please report me bugs, comments, suggestions and problems. If possible
write a little mail if you use the program sometimes. If there are some
Enforcer hits or other problems report them as good as possible.

Use it as you want, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY!

Please contact me:

* snail-mail:                  * e-mail:                               *
*   Dirk Stoecker              *   stoecker()amigaworld.com             *
*   Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 10 *   dstoecker()gmx.de                    *
*   01877 Bischofswerda        * world wide web:                       *
*   GERMANY                    *   http://home.pages.de/~stoecker/     *
* phone:                       * pgp key:                              *
*   GERMANY +49 (0)3594/706666 *   get with finger or from WWW pages   *

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