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 Readme for:  Emulation » Gamesystem » xneomame.lha


Description: xNeoMAME Port (OS 4 Native)
Download: xneomame.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 3Mb
Version: 0.97
Date: 18 Jun 05
Author: Various (OS 4 Port: SteffenH)
Submitter: Steffen Haeuser
Email: tirionareonwe/gmail com(Steffen Haeuser)
Category: emulation/gamesystem
Replaces: emulation/gamesystem/xneomame.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 844
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads:  (Current version)

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NOTE: If you want to recompile, you need to replace src/neomame.mak from
mame_src.lha with neomame.mak from this
archive (last minute change) !!!

This is a SDL-based port of xNeoMame to OS 4. As Mame in the latest version
authors of the PC-version make it slower and slower, but also the emulation
more accurate and more games get supported) is quite a memory-hog and
performance-hog do not wonder. Still on an AmigaOne it runs like a dream :)

And yes, the exe loads a while.

No Joystick Support in this version, but I will add this again later.

To install: Copy the exe to Mame: and all the other directories should be
Mame:ROMs, Mame:cfg and so on. Edit xmamerc for options (go sure you have a
320x256 16 Bit Screenmode defined). Alexander Weber's xMameGui is
included, thanks for the permission to use it. See the AmigaGuide-File of
xMameGui for documentation.

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