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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Text » Misc » fontforge-src.lha

Description: Sources of Fontforge 20061220 for AmiCygnix
Install: fontforge-src.lha
Size: 147kb 5
Version: 20061220
Date: 07 Jan 09
Author: George Williams (http://fontforge.sourceforge.net) - OS4 port by Edgar Schwan
Submitter: Edgar Schwan
Email: eds at rz-online de
Homepage: http://www.schwan-clan.de
Requirements: amicygnix-sdk.lha, AmigaOS 4.0 SDK
Category: utility/text/misc
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
  This is a source collection of the packages used in the first release
  of Fontforge 20061220 for AmiCygnix.

  All included packages are provided as diff files. You need to download the
  original archives and patch them with the corresponding diff file. In the
  following summary all packages are listed together with a link, where I
  downloaded the original archives.

  In every package you can find two amigados scripts called
  "amicygnix-configure-local.bat" and "amicygnix-configure-system.bat". Use the
  first script to configure as a local package and the second to configure it
  as a replacement of the original AmiCygnix packages.
  I included the makefiles and config files created by configure. Some of them
  are modified by hand. You CAN'T compile the packages with these files, you
  must reconfigure the package.

  IMPORTANT: Please copy your projects to "Cygnix:Development" or
             "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/local/src" and not to "Cygnix:CygnixPPC/src"
             and use the prefix "/Cygnix/CygnixPPC/local" for configure!

Included packages:

  Package name                   Download link
  ------------                   -------------

  fontforge_full-20061220.tar.bz http://mesh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/

How to patch:

  Example: Patch the fontforge package:

  * Download the original archive and unpack the archive to (for example) "ram:"
    Afterwards a directory called "fontforge-20061220" is located in "ram:"

  * Copy the corresponding patch file "fontforge_full-20061220.diff" to "ram:".

  * Open a shell and cd into "ram:".

  * Type into the shell:

    "patch -p1 -u -dfontforge-20061220 --verbose <fontforge_full-20061220.diff"

    and press return.

    The patch command is included in the AmigaOS4 SDK.

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