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Description: Bible text viewer for OS4
Install: bibvision.lha
Size: 305kb 5
Version: 2.0
Date: 23 Dec 10
Author: Marko Raina
Submitter: Marko Raina
Homepage: http://personal.fimnet.fi/private/marko.raina/bibvision.html
Requirements: OS 4.1 (optionally AISS)
Category: utility/text/misc
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
BibVision is a freeware Bible text viewer which can be used to read,
copy - and - paste and search many publically available Bible
translations. Current version can handle

    * King James Version (English)
    * Vulgate (Latin)
    * Finnish Bible translations (years 1992 and 1938 versions)
    * Swedish year 1917 translation
    * German Luther Bibel
    * French Louis Segond translation
    * French John Nelson Darby translation (texts still to be released)

The program archive doesn't contain actual Bible texts, you have to
download them separately. I recommend the files found from


Please read the included BibVision.guide for more information. Note
also the Copyright information concerning the Finnish 1992 translation

BibVision uses Martin Merz's AISS image set for its' gadgets if
available. You can download it from http://www.masonicons.info

Version history
v2.0    22-Dec-2010
    - modernized the internals, using most of the recommended new features
      of AmigaOS4.1
    - found the bug preventing help hint usage, they are fully supported now
    - added support for application.library messages
    - uses application.library PrefsObjects for preferences loading/saving
    - saves and optionally opens the last browsing position automatically
    - confirms exit if quitting with the edited but unsaved bookmarks
    - supports the yet-to-be-released French John Nelson Darby translation
      by Pascal Marcelin

v1.13   30-Oct-2008
    - added Edit/Copy menu item and gadget required by OS4.1 text.datatype

v1.12   06-Oct-2007
     - modified Autoinstall script, no actual changes in executable

Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Björn Hagström. All rights reserved.
OS4 and its logos are registered trademarks of Hyperion Entertainment