This is a mere recompilation of 'an' - very fast anagram generator.
The 'an' program was originally written by Richard Jones.
I got the source from, by Phil Carmody.
If you do not have a dictionary you can obtain one from the following site:
[-w] [-c string] [-d dictionary] [-l number_words] [-m word_length] [-u string]
[-n number_anagrams] [--words] [--contain string] [--dict dictionary]
[--length number_words] [--minimum word_length] [--used string]
[--number number_anagrams] [--help] [--version] PHRASE
finds all anagrams which can be made from the letters in PHRASE,
using words in the specified dictionary (default=/usr/dict/words).
-w, --words
Print words that PHRASE letters can make, then exit.
-c, --contain string
Only print anagrams which contain string
-d, --dict dictionary
Use dictionary file to find words which letters in PHRASE can make
-m, --minimum word_length
Only uses words which are at least word_length long.
-u, --used string
Considers that letters in string have allready used when analyzing
letters in PHRASE
-l, --length number_words
Finds anagrams which have a maximum of number_words words in them,
very useful when number of anagrams output is large.
-n, --number number_anagrams
Specifies number_anagrams as the maximum number of anagrams to find.
Print a usage message on standard output then exit
Print version information on standard output then exit
an -c acid 'Richard Jones'
Finds anagrams for Richard Jones which contain the word acid
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