==== What is this??
It is a text viewer targeted at very (VERY) large text files. Like 500 MB+.
It is not very smooth or great designed, but it does the job.
==== How does it work?
It loads only a block at a time. The blocksize can be set in the main window.
Using the right scroller will change the blockoffset. Using the mouse wheel
will scroll inside the same block.
==== Who did this??
Me. Alfkil Thorbjørn Wennermark. No comments.
==== History:
v.0.2: First version was a total fiasco...
Fixed a bug which made a horrible crash when selecting a file in the root
Fixed initial blocksize to 4096
Added support for mouse wheen scrolling inside a block
Fixed the initial directory
v.0.1: Initial quick and dirty version.
==== Contact:
If for some reason you need to get in touch with the author:
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