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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Text » Edit » beav.lha

Description: BEAV - emacs style file editor
Install: beav.lha
Size: 131kb 5
Version: 1.0
Date: 04 Dec 05
Author: different, port made by Alfred Faust
Submitter: Alfred Faust
Email: alfred j faust/gmx de
Homepage: http://www.alfred-j-faust.de
Requirements: OS4
Category: utility/text/edit
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
    BEAV is one of the best binare-file editor available for some 
    operation systems. 
    It comes as FREEWARE under GPL. 
    It works with different bases (ASCII, Hexadecimal, Octal Binary).

    If you are interested in the OS4-source, from which  I've  made  it,
    mail me please.

    It is first made in 1993 and is made in the emacs-style.
    This is only a fast port. No significant alterations are made.
    I've changed only such things, which were neccessary to compile BEAV
    for OS4.
    So you will find NO AMIGA-sytyle interface (no menu or gadgets).
    The BEAV File-editor is full keyboard controlled.

    You MUST read the BEAV-Manual and learn all the keyboard shortcuts 
    before you can use it.

    If you had started it already, and don't  know  how  to  close,  you
    learn here the first command:

    Quit = Ctrl & C  (hold Ctrl and press additional C)

    A warning:

    With BEAV you are able to alter binary files - or  also  -  you  are
    able to destroy binary files.
    Use it only, if you know, what you are doing.

    Alfred Faust
    Novembre 2005 

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