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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Text » ctlg2ct.lha

Description: Decompiles catalogs back into .ct files
Install: ctlg2ct.lha
Size: 37kb 5
Version: 1.0a
Date: 16 Nov 12
Author: James Jacobs and Samir Hawamdeh (compile)
Submitter: Samir Hawamdeh
Homepage: http://amigan.1emu.net/releases/
Requirements: AmigaOS 4.x
Category: utility/text
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
This program takes a catalog (IFF CTLG) file and a catalog descriptor
(.cd) file as input, and generates the corresponding catalog translation
(.ct) file.

  Usage is:

    CTLG2CT <ctlg-file> <cd-file>

The input files are expected to be correctly formatted. All output from
the program goes to the standard output; normally you will want to
redirect this. Eg.:

    CTLG2CT foo.catalog foo.cd >foo.ct

SAS/C 6.58 source code is included.

Changes since V1.0:
    * Bug fixes.

James Jacobs of Amigan Software
26 October 2012

END OF DOCUMENT-----------------------------------------------------------

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