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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Misc » uniquename.lha

Description: Generates unique (random) strings
Install: uniquename.lha
Size: 9kb 5
Version: 1.0
Date: 22 Jun 06
Author: Alex Carmona
Submitter: Alex Carmona
Email: AmigaOne/theworld net
Homepage: http://AM1GA.com
Category: utility/misc
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Based on Fredrik Wikstrom's mkpasswd utility

UniqueName is a command that generates a random and (hopefully) unique
alphanumeric string.
It's mostly useful in shell scripts, to avoid name clashes when creating pipes
and filenames.

UniqueName <length>

The command accepts a single (optional) argument, the length of the string to
be generated.

Length should be a value between 4 and 40.

It defaults to 8 if no value was specified.

Any other argument will return the usage template.

The minimum length of 4 characters represents over 1.6 million (36*36*36*36)
possibilities and should be safe enough for its intended use.
With 8 chars you get over 2.8 trillion possibilities, and if you're really
paranoid (nuts?), use 40, that represents over...
1600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 possibilities!


Suppose that each time you run a script you want to log its output to a new

 Execute Script >`UniqueName`.log

Perhaps within the script you want to redirect some output to other logfiles...

 Set log1 Sys`UniqueName 4`.log
 Set log2 Usr`UniqueName 4`.log
 SomeCommand >>$log1
 SomeCommand >>$log2
 SomeCommand >>$log1

You can run the script multiple times in parallel without risking overwriting
 another's log file.

Likewise with named PIPEs...

 Set pre PIPE:`UniqueName`
 Set post PIPE:`UniqueName`
 Run Capture input=$pre output=$post
 Wait 1
 Run Broadcast source=$post

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