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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Misc » uniquedate.lha

Description: Generates unique (hi-res) numeric date/timestamps
Install: uniquedate.lha
Size: 8kb 5
Version: 1.0
Date: 22 Jun 06
Author: Alex Carmona
Submitter: Alex Carmona
Email: AmigaOne/theworld net
Homepage: http://AM1GA.com
Category: utility/misc
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
UniqueDate is a command which generates a unique numeric date string.
Like my UniqueName utility, it's mostly useful in shell scripts, to avoid name
clashes when creating pipes and filenames, but it may also be useful as a
timestamp for automatically generated files.


The optional switch, "G" or "GREGORIAN", can be specified to switch
the string output format to a more human-friendly date.

The default format is the number of microseconds since Jan. 1st 1978.
E.g. 898499624016706 or SSSSSSSSSµµµµµµ (1 million µS. = 1 Seconds). 

The Gregorian format is the date and time with microseconds.
E.g. 20060622071344396890 or YYYYMMDDHHMMSSµµµµµµ

Examples: (taken straight from the UniqueName readme... I'm sooo lazy!)

Suppose that each time you run a script you want to log its output to a new

 Execute Script >`UniqueDate G`.log

Perhaps within the script you want to redirect some output to other logfiles...

 Set log1 Sys`UniqueDate G`.log
 Set log2 Usr`UniqueDate G`.log
 SomeCommand >>$log1
 SomeCommand >>$log2
 SomeCommand >>$log1

You can run the script multiple times in parallel without risking overwriting
 another's log file.

Likewise with named PIPEs...

 Set pre PIPE:`UniqueDate`
 Set post PIPE:`UniqueDate`
 Run Capture input=$pre output=$post
 Wait 1
 Run Broadcast source=$post

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