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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Misc » reporttool.lha

Description: A tool to help problem solving in OS4
Install: reporttool.lha
Size: 26kb 5
Version: 51.1
Date: 23 Dec 06
Author: Simon Archer
Submitter: Simon Archer
Category: utility/misc
License: Public domain
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
ReportTool 51.1 

Here is a small tool built to hopefully ease the task of debugging on systems
once the pre-release CD gets posted out.

The idea is to feed the tool with a directory, multiple directories and/or
single files, and the tool will output information about the files it finds.
Some basic hardware and CPU information will be shown along with the memory and
FSB speed.

If you have installed PCIScan by Pete Gordon (pete()shagged.org) and it`s
vendors.txt to S:, then this will also be used to show any installed PCI
hardware. AS of this version you can use the 'nopci' parameter to supress the
PCIScan output. This parameter must be the first, and lowercase.

ReportTool will also tell you if the file(s) you specify are an ELF or M68K
executable, or if the file(s) are a BIN or IFF. The name and the version
information will be shown on the line, if found.

Usage is easy, just specify files and directories on the command line, thus:

ReportTool Libs: Devs: c:kdebug Kickstart: sys:tools/mediatoolbox

or use it without parameters to gain just the machine information.

See the readme in the archive for latest news about the update

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