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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Misc » ranger.lha

Description: System diagnostic tool
Install: ranger.lha
Size: 394kb 5
Version: 1.57
Date: 25 Feb 13
Author: Steven Solie
Submitter: Steven Solie
Email: steven/solie ca
Homepage: http://www.solie.ca/
Category: utility/misc
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Ranger is an AmigaOS diagnostic tool which displays all sorts of resources.

Ranger will automatically update the list of processes and DOS devices as
they are added and removed. Refresh buttons are provided for everything
that is not automatically updated.

Signals can be generated for processes which helps programmers when
those processes are stuck waiting.

Ranger is written to be a system monitor which obeys the rules of the
operating system. The design is such that Ranger will not poke around
and make the system less stable than it already is. Ranger is written
by a programmer for programmers.

As such, Ranger may appear to be less "user friendly" than other similar
tools. For example, "Refresh" buttons are often required to refresh data.

Any data which can be displayed without using Forbid() and/or Disable()
will not be displayed until you hit a refresh button. Everything else
will be automatically displayed. This is to avoid problems with starting
up Ranger when the system is in an indeterminate state (i.e. something
has crashed).

There is no "Kill Window" option because that operation is not supported
by the operating system. Such convenience features always make the system
less stable. If/when the OS provides such functionality it will of course
be added to Ranger.

Please note that if you see a field that says "Undefined" it most
likely means Ranger is missing a definition. Email me describing
which field and the circumstances so that it can be fixed.

Automatic PCI device and vendor decoding is provided via the pci.ids file
which is maintained at official support site http://pciids.sf.net

A copy of the pci.ids file included in the archive for your convenience
and is refreshed directly from the source with each Ranger release.

Manually copy the pci.ids file to DEVS: and Ranger will be able to decode
the device and vendor codes into string labels. If the file is not present
Ranger will only display the codes in hex.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions, comments
or questions:

Steven Solie

If you would like to support further development of Ranger for AmigaOS
or any of my other AmigaOS related projects please consider a donation
via PayPal to the email address listed above. Thanks!

1.57 - Changed DOS/TrackedAddr to use the new API. Requires dos.library
       53.126 or higher to function.

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