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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Misc » cls.lzx

Description: Shows an information window if CAPSLOCK is pressed
Install: cls.lzx
Size: 28kb 5
Version: V0.01
Date: 17 Aug 04
Author: Michael Merkel
Submitter: Michael Merkel
Email: Michael Merkel/gmx net
Category: utility/misc
License: Freeware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Short: Display popup when pressing CAPS LOCK (on/off)
Uploader: Michael.Merkel()gmx.net (Michael Merkel)
Author: Michael.Merkel()gmx.net (Michael Merkel)
Type: util/misc
Replaces: -
Requires: Amiga OS4
Version: V0.01 (16 Aug 2004)

My first commodity ;-) -> beware!!

Shows a popup when the CAPS LOCK key is pressed and gives information about its
state (ON/OFF).
Quite usefull if you're using a cordless keyboard. These keyboards don't have a
led to show the state of the CAPS LOCK key.

spread it! use it! _write me!_

* Amiga OS4
* A Keyboard ;-)

* just copy the file CapsLockStater and its icon to SYS:WBStartup

* press CAPS LOCK after starting it

V0.01 (16. Aug 2004)
 * first version.

Well - this is my first "public" Amiga OS program written in C. I usually do
rxMUI scripts (which can be found in aminet).
So there are plenty of bugs and "features i don't know yet" in this program.
One is that it takes some seconds after start to react on CAPS LOCK events ;-)
The next is that it should use a bigger font - but it doe not. Sometimes it
does... well... Reaction stuff.
Let's see if i can advance.

Michael Merkel (MiMe()IRC)

Hyperion, especially the Frieden bros.
   for making AmigaOS 4 a reality

AmigaWorld.net users
   for giving a lot of tips to a dummy like me

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