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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Filetool » vobps2fix.lha

Description: Fix for Playstation2 VOBs
Install: vobps2fix.lha
Size: 9kb 5
Version: 0.1
Date: 30 Oct 06
Author: Anachronda, AmigaOS 4.0 compile by Spot / Up Rough
Submitter: Spot / Up Rough
Email: spot/triad se
Category: utility/filetool
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0

The Playstation 2 is a bit finicky about the DVD format. When creating a DVD,
dvdauthor occasionally generates
 timestamps that confuse the Playstation 2. When such a DVD is played, the
Playstation 2 pauses frequently while
 it tries to sort out the confusion, sometimes as often as once a second. Such
DVDs are not watchable on the
 Playstation 2, although they usually work fine in other DVD players. Vobps2fix
runs through a set of .VOB files
 created by dvdauthor, tweaking them so that the Playstation 2 will play them
without pausing. 
 The .VOB files to be processed are specified on the command line.   


This problem is fixed in current betas of dvdauthor. It will presumably also be
fixed in the next release.   
Vobps2fix is in the public domain.

   |                                                           |
   |       A M I G A   O S   4 . 0   C O M P I L E   B Y       |
  ._______                                        .______.     |
  |  ____/________________________________________|      |__   .
._|____._         |      ._       |      ._       |       _/______.
|      |/         |      |/       |      |/       |      |/       |
|                 |      _________|               |               |
|_________________|______|spt/up  |_______________|_______________| 
   .                                                           .
   |                                                           | 
   |   I am in a shitty economical situation, so if you feel   | 
   |  that what I do is  worth anything, use paypal to donate  |  
   |         to my email addy, spotATtriadDOTse, thanx!        | 
   |                                                           | 
   |                    Spot / Up Rough 2006                   | 

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