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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Filetool » supermanppc.lha

Description: Show the user a directory of documents
Install: supermanppc.lha
Size: 157kb 5
Version: 2.0
Date: 09 Dec 04
Author: Jim Steichen
Submitter: Jim Steichen
Email: jimbot/frontiernet net
Homepage: http://www.frontiernet.net/~jimbot
Requirements: PowerPC or 68020+, multiview
Category: utility/filetool
License: Shareware
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Short:     Show the User a directory of documents to view
Uploader:  jimbot()frontiernet.net (Jim Steichen)
Author:    jimbot()frontiernet.net (Jim Steichen)
Requires:  PowerPC, AmigaOS4 or 68020+, V3.1+ Amiga OS
Type:      text/misc
Version:   2.0

SuperMANPPC (c) 2004 by J. T. Steichen is a GUI program for finding 
& displaying text files, nroff files, or AmigaGuide files.  Change the 
ToolTypes & you can select which files to list & choose from.  You can 
also set the program that displays the file.

Normally I don't place the source code in my archives because it's a lot
of work to make a program, especially since there aren't any new 
books or documentation for how the newer versions of the OS work.  Please
consider placing some of your source code in aminet, if you're a programmer.

       2.0 - Added AmigaOS4 & PPC (gcc) support.
       1.0 - SuperMAN is now working correctly!

       No Tabs were used in the creation of this file (Tabs SHOULD BE
       an endangered species!).

       The following Default ToolTypes are used by this program:

       ParentDir     = HELP:english
       FileViewer    = MultiView
       FileExtFilter =
       DirListFile   = DocsDirList.txt
       CmdListFile   = CommandsList.txt
       FileEditor    = C:Ed
       MacroEnvVar   = ENVARC:TMACDIR  (Where are the nroff macros?)
       NRoffCommand  = nroff -man

       GUI Designed by : Jim Steichen

   $VER: SuperMANPPC 2.0 (09-Dec-2004) by J.T. Steichen

   Originally written using GadToolsBox V37.300 & SAS-C V6.58 on an 
   A4000T (OS3.5)
   by Jim Steichen (email:  jimbot()frontiernet.net)
/* -------------- END of SuperMANPPC.readme file! ----------------- */

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