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 Readme data for Root » Utility » Filetool » ppmd.lha

Description: Prediction by Partial Matching filepacker
Install: ppmd.lha
Size: 58kb 5
Version: J
Date: 31 Aug 10
Author: Dmitry Shkarin, AmigaOS 4.x compile by Chris Young
Submitter: Spot / Up Rough
Email: spotUP/gmail com
Category: utility/filetool
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Fast PPMII compressor for textual data, variant J, Jan 23 2008
designed and written by Dmitry Shkarin <dmitry.shkarinmtu-net.ru>
Usage: PPMd <e|d> [switches] FileName[s]
Switches (for encoding only):
        -d     - delete file[s] after processing, default: disabled
        -fName - set output file name to Name
        -mN    - use N MB memory - [1,256], default: 10
        -oN    - set model order to N - [2,16], default: 4
        -rN    - set method of model restoration at memory insufficiency:
                -r0 - restart model from scratch (default)
                -r1 - cut off model (slow)

Copy PPMd into your path (eg. C:) to use it.

As usual, I can and will not accept responsibility for any damage,
loss of data etc incurred through use of this software.  This archive
is provided "as-is" without warranty of any kind and all use is at
your own risk.

Please check the PGP signature in the Aminet readme against the
archive to ensure it has not been tampered with.
Version: 2.6.3in


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