Smartbutton.docky is an enhanced button docky for AmiDock, suggested by Mason
for the OpenAmiga project
Original features include :
- launching of programs in Workbench or CLI mode (useful for programs not
supporting Workbench arguments passing)
- displaying of a description field (with scrolling)
- "mouse-over" state
- common preferences shared by all the buttons in a dock
- build mode to allow fast edition of the button using drag'n'drop and clickable
Smartsubdock.docky has the same features as smartbutton.docky except that it is
used to control a subdock.
- subdocks are placed automatically and follow their parent dock
- "trees" of subdocks behave like real menus
- subdocks can be imported/exported from/to external files
A complete subdock menu with more than 90 three-state images painted by Martin
"Mason" Merz is included (thanks to him!). To install it, follow the
instructions in the readme to import file "Mason.dock" into AmiDock.
French catalog included. Thanks to the following people, smartbutton.docky is
now available in German, Spanish and Italian:
Michael Merkel (German catalog)
Javier de las Rivas (Spanish catalog)
Samir Hawamdeh (Italian catalog)
50.8 (06/06/10) :
- Added settings to change subdock symbols
- German, Spanish and Italian translations
- Fixed several bugs
50.6 (24/05/10) :
- Automatic resizing of pictures
- Icons now have a mouse over state
- Locale support
- Fixed issues occuring on composited screens
50.5 (11/05/09) :
- New actions: open directory and open project (icon)
- Added a different docky layout when in horizontal docks
- Importing and exporting of subdocks from/to external files now possible
- Rewrote some parts for optimization
- Fixed a lot of bugs, include one preventing the "common preferences"
feature to work since the first release
50.3 (27/04/09) :
- Now the docky title can be hidden too
- Improved "build mode" with separate edition of the button states
- Alternative bitmaps for mouse over and selected states
- Text colors are now configurable
- Preference window for subdocks
- Several bug fixes
50.2 (19/04/09) :
- First public release
Drop smartbutton.docky/smartsubdock.docky icon on any dock.
Since this is beta software, it is recommended to backup AmiDock preferences
file before.
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