This is a xadmaster.library client for ECM (Error Code Modeler) files. ECM is a
format for reducing sizes of CD images (BIN, CDI, NRG, CCD or similar) so that
they can compress better using standard compressors.
For more information about the format see this link:
The ECM decoding is based on code from Neill Corlett's unecm program.
Copy ECM LIBS:xad/
The included Makefile uses vbcc to compile the client. In order to make sure
that the xadForeman symbol is preserved -PxadForeman has to be added to the
linker options in vbcc:config/aosppc (AFAIK there is no way to send additional
linker options through vc as there is with gcc).
1.1 (10-Apr-2012)
- First released version
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