SambaPrefs is an configuration tool used for managing network shares on
AmigaOS40, this program aids inn the task of adding/removing
directory's for sharing and configure samba service, sambaprefs contains of
Password GUI, Fileshareing GUI, and General Samba GUI, SambaPrefs will give you
feadback when some thing is wrong. and it offer the same kind of configuration
benefits as
any other configuration tool for Workbench40 (use/save).
(About Samba is network service used one Unix, Linux and Amiga,
it's used to distribute directory shares on local network,
it offers password encryption, user and group access,
and it's compatible whit Microsoft network,
it's based on the smb protocol standard used by Microsoft,)
To install the program drag sambaprefs and smabashare over to prefs directory,
and copy the replacement smb.conf to your samba config directory
(samba:etc/ or samba:lib/ some times samba:etc/samba/).
Or you can add a new line to an existing config file
include = /env/smb.conf
and your done!!!
NOTE: This programs is freeware, and untested,
I take no responsibility for any damage it can make,
if you redistribute the program the you most include this written document,
you may not edit or change the content when / if it's redistributed,
unless given permission to do so from ME!
() 2004, Kjetil Hvalstrand
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