These are API compatible reimplementations of Teijo Kinnunen's medplayer,
octaplayer and octamixplayer libraries. XMP-2.7.1 is used for module playback
and audio output is done as 16-bit, 44100 Hz, stereo through "ahi.device".
MEM-Handler -
Copy #?.library to LIBS:
The libraries are licensed under the terms of the GPL license described in
the file named COPYING. This is the source code archive.
8.7 (27-Jul-2009)
- Updated to use XMP-2.7.1 (broken MED tempo handling replaced with better
working one from XMP-2.6.2)
- More than one program can now use medplayer.library at the same time
(libxmp.a compiled with -mbaserel)
8.6 (19-Jul-2009)
- Modified the RequiredPlayRoutine functions to always return the number
representing the current library being used (msy-bt)
- octaplayer/octamixplayer libraries now open requesters if medplayer.library
fails to open
- medplayer.library now checks for MEM: and fails to open if it's not found
8.5 (17-Jul-2009)
- More fixes for relocating/unrelocating multi-module files (SuperWormII)
8.4 (17-Jul-2009)
- Fixed crashes when relocating/unrelocating multi-module files
8.3 (17-Jul-2009)
- M68k -> PPC stubs don't need the library base in a6 any more (CoolMod)
8.2 (16-Jul-2009)
- Fixed a crash caused by unloading a module while it was playing (WormWars)
- Now sets pstate to -1 while playing (Swomp)
- RelocModule() is now partially implemented
8.1 (14-Jul-2009)
- First released version
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