liborganya v0.1
A simple library for decoding Cave Story's org music files.
By Vincent Spader <liborganya (at) vspader (dot) com>
Public Domain
To instantiate a decoder:
org_decoder_t *decoder = org_decoder_create("path/to/", "samples");
The first argument is the path to the org file. The second argument is the
path to a directory that contains the data files that are included in the
samples directory.
To decode samples:
org_decode_samples(decoder, buffer, num_samples);
The output is 2 channel interleaved signed 16-bit host endian PCM data with
a 44100 sample rate. It returns the number of samples actually decoded.
When you are finished:
See orgyana.h for additional functions and details.
The org file format description can be found at
The org2dat folder contains the source to a simple command line utility that
uses liborganya to decode files to raw PCM data.
The component folder contains source to a CoreAudio AudioFile component.
- Pixel for making Cave Story and composing all the songs
- Moose for providing an overview of the format.
- Jan "Rrrola" Kadlec and The Echidna Tribe, whose org2xm tool and in_org
winamp plugin filled in some additional details where the file format
description is inadequate.
- Boredom for giving me a reason to do this
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