gb2ngp v1.1 documentation
by jeff()
This program allows you to convert GameBoy binary
tile data to NeoGeo Pocket tile data. It allows you
to convert from NeoGeo Pocket to GameBoy as well.
The included .exe is for DOS but the C file will
compile under *nix as well.
To compile on *nix do the following:
cc gb2ngp.c -o gb2ngp
For help type:
gb2ngp -h
Convert from GameBoy to NeoGeo Pocket format:
gb2ngp < in_file > out_file
Convert from NeoGeo Pocket to GameBoy format:
gb2ngp < in_file > out_file
GBTD Export:
1. For example, to use tiles created with GameBoy Tile Designer
(GBTD), under File in GBTD select 'Export to...'
2. Select a Type of 'All-purpose binary file (*.bin)'.
3. Select your From tile range. Use 0 to 127 if you have 128 tiles.
4. Format should be GameBoy 4 color.
5. Counter = None.
6. Select OK.
7. Now you can convert the file to NGP tile format using gb2ngp.
8. You can now include these tiles into the AS assembler using
BINCLUDE. Or you can convert from binary to asm using 'b2x'
and include your tileset using INCLUDE.
(To locate 'b2x' go to and search for b2x.)
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