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Description: TIFF datatype V45.8
Install: warptiffdt.lha
Size: 441kb 5
Version: 45.8
Date: 27 May 12
Author: oliver@futaura.co.uk (Oliver Roberts)
Submitter: uploader
Email: uploader/uploader com
Homepage: http://www.warpdt.co.uk/
Category: datatype/image
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
Changes since previous release:

 - Can now decode images that use the JBIG compression scheme.
 - Added support for images that use 32 bits per sample.
 - Fixed decoding of 64-bit CMYK images.
 - Fixed decoding of planar RGB/CMYK images.
 - Fixed decoding of XIF images and old JPEG compressed files which
   got broken in 45.7.
 - Rewrote the XIF image support to work with the latest libtiff.
 - Enabled recognition of Microsoft Document Imaging TIFF files.
 - Updated with libtiff 3.9.4, zlib 1.2.5 and jpeglib 8c.
 - Added workaround for a bug in OS4 which can cause a crash when a
   requester is opened (bug fixed in intuition.library 53.32).
 - Fixed (VBCC fix) potential system lockup when calling the GM_RENDER
   method in the WarpOS version (e.g. when using Multiview with the
   AfA OS picture.datatype).
 - Added workaround for a bug in OS4's datatypes.library DTST_MEMORY
 - Enabled virtual memory usage in OS4 version.
 - MorphOS and WarpOS versions recompiled with VBCC 0.9a.
 - OS4 version recompiled with latest SDK.
 - Added AmiUpdate support.
 - Updated Spanish installer strings.

 - Updated to libtiff 3.8.2 and zlib 1.2.3.
 - WarpOS and 68k versions upto 30% faster and 60% faster for MorphOS.
 - Fixed crash and memory trashing problem when decoding fax images.
 - Fixed cases where fax images were decoded as negative images.
 - Fixed bugs in the CMYK to RGB conversion.
 - Fixed broken 8-bit greyscale image decoding in the MorphOS version.
 - Asynchronous i/o now uses dos/SendPkt instead of exec/PutMsg.
 - Overhauled IEEE math lib usage in the 68k versions, fixing problems
   with precision in the 020/030 versions and removing the restriction of
   only being able to decode one image at a time.
 - Updated with the latest WarpDT engine build.
 - MorphOS and WarpOS versions recompiled with VBCC 0.8j.

 - Fixed a bug that could cause YCbCr colour based images to be
   corrupted during conversion to RGB.
 - Updated to libtiff 3.7.1.
 - MorphOS and WarpOS versions recompiled with VBCC 0.8g.
 - Updated French installer.


 - Supports 5.0 and 6.0 TIFF spec, including Packbits, Thunderscan,
   CCITT (fax), Pixar, LogLuv (CIE and SGILog), LZW, Deflate (zip), JBIG
   and JPEG (old and new) compression schemes, plus uncompressed files

 - Image types supported include RGB (24-bit, 48-bit and 96-bit),
   palette based / greyscale (1-bit, 2-bit, 4-bit, 8-bit, 16-bit and
   32-bit), CMYK (32-bit, 64-bit and 128-bit), YCbCr and CIELab

 - Can handle Xerox / ScanSoft Pagis XIF files (eXtended Image Format)

 - Supports image data organized as strips, tiles or separate components

 - For multi-image files, applications may choose which picture to decode

 - Scaling options for high resolution fax images

 - Highly optimized datatype dispatch engine, and fast TIFF decoder,
   resulting in a very efficient, compact and quick TIFF datatype

 - Asynchronous file i/o and double buffering techniques (WarpOS only),
   which speeds up image decoding
 - Optimized versions for 68020, 030, 040 and 060

 - PowerPC support with native OS4, WarpOS and MorphOS versions

 - Alter the pen allocation precision when images are remapped to an
   8-bit display

 - Specific support for the AmigaOS picture.datatype v44+, when available

 - The dithering feature of the AmigaOS picture.datatype v44+ can be
   configured to your liking (e.g. disabled for 15/16-bit displays)

 - Based on libtiff 3.9.4, zlib 1.2.5 and jpeglib 8c


WarpTIFF is a TIFF datatype which utilizes and requires the following:

 - Kickstart 3.0 or higher
 - picture.datatype v43 or higher
   (i.e. either of the ones supplied with AmigaOS 3.5+, P96 or CGraphX)

 68k version

 - 68020 processor or higher (optimized versions included)

 WarpOS version

 - PPC accelerator card + 68040/060
 - WarpUp Release 5.0 or higher

 OS4 version

 - PPC accelerator card / AmigaOne / SAM
 - AmigaOS 4.0 or higher

 MorphOS version

 - PPC accelerator card / Pegasos / Efika
 - MorphOS 1.4 or higher

Note that a graphics card is not necessary.

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