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 Readme for:  Utility » Text » jasspa-memacs.lha


Description: JASSPA MicroEmacs under AmiCygnix 1.6
Download: jasspa-memacs.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 2Mb
Version: 1.5
Date: 06 Jul 22
Author: rjd324
Submitter: Ryan Dixon
Email: 3246251196ryan/gmail com
Homepage: http://www.jasspa.com
Requirements: AmiCygnix 1.6
Category: utility/text
Replaces: utility/text/jasspa-memacs.lha
License: GPL
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 12139
Comments: 2
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads:  (Current version)

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Port of JASSPA MEmacs to AmigaOS4 under AmiCygnix.

Version 1.0:
- Fix drag and drop files onto AmiDock
- Create nice icons
- Make uploaded archive conformant with other AmiCygnix packages. Including an
installer etc.

Version 1.1:
- Fix drag and drop files onto AmiDock
- Create nice icons (COMPLETE)
- Make uploaded archive conformant with other AmiCygnix packages. Including an
installer etc. (COMPLETE)
- Create an uninstaller
- Extend internal copy/paste buffer to handle external buffer

Version 1.2:
Summary: Fixed drag and drop files. Now you can have Jasspa-Emacs in your
AmiDock and drag files onto it.
- Fix drag and drop files onto AmiDock (COMPLETE)
- Create nice icons (COMPLETE)
- Make uploaded archive conformant with other AmiCygnix packages. Including an
installer etc. (COMPLETE)
- Create an uninstaller 
- Extend internal copy/paste buffer to handle external buffer (UPCOMING)

Version 1.3:
Summary: Copy and paste from Amiga-clipboard. AmigaL+c AmigaL+v (can use
AmigaR). To copy to the amiga
         clipboard, firstly copy as normal in emacs, then issue AmigaL+c.

Version 1.4:
Summary: Saving buffer to file no longer tramples over amiga dos protection
bits. Before, it would remove
         the script flag when saving.
         Case is no longer sensitive, just like Amiga. For example, when
searching for a file to open
         with C-x C-f.
TODO:    fix ctags integration

Version 1.4.1
Summary: ctags does work. See section Question 42 in the faq.txt. A script would
be useful, or, a change
         to the ported version of ctags5.8, or a change to JASSPA.

Version 1.5
Summary: changed the implementation of amiga buffer pasting. previously, weird
characters could cause
         unexpected behaviour. this has since been fixed.
         you can now use AmigaR or AmigaL whilst pressing the "'" character to
insert a "`" which is
         an important character, not least for scripting

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