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 Readme for:  Game » Puzzle » nelipala.lha


Description: SDL2-based tetris clone
Download: nelipala.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 435kb
Version: 0.13
Date: 09 Apr 17
Author: Juha Niemimäki
Submitter: Juha Niemimäki
Homepage: http://capehill.kapsi.fi
Requirements: SDL2, SDL2_ttf
Category: game/puzzle
Replaces: game/puzzle/nelipala.lha
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.1
FileID: 10197
Comments: 0
Snapshots: 1
Videos: 0
Downloads: 11  (Current version)
11  (Accumulated)

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Nelipala 0.13

Nelipala is an unofficial Tetris clone written by Juha Niemimaki.


Cursor down      - move piece down one row
Cursor left      - move piece left one column
Cursor right     - move piece right one column
Space bar        - drop piece quickly
Z (or cursor up) - rotate piece left
X                - rotate piece right
ESC              - quit

Settings.txt explained:

full_screen - 1 for full screen mode, 0 for window
vsync - 1 for vertical sync (typically 60 FPS), 0 for free running frame rate
random_colors - 1 for randomized piece colors, 0 for fixed colors
screen_width - display width
screen_height - display height
renderer_name - advanced setting: select the SDL2 "graphics engine" (see
"logfile.txt" for available options)
sound_volume - 0.0 for silence, 1.0 for full volume
mixing_frequency - 44100 (Hz) for normal quality
mixing_buffer - mixing buffer size. Bigger buffers may introduce audio lag
stereo_mode - 1 for stereo, 0 for mono audio


Nelipala binary and source code is licensed under MIT license. Nelipala uses
SDL2 and SDL2_ttf libraries.
See "licenses" directory for details.

Compiling for Windows:
1) install MinGW, SDL2 and SDL2_ttf development packages
2) type "make -f makefile.win" to build

Compiling for AmigaOS 4:
1) install the latest SDK and SDL2 and SDL2_ttf development packages
2) type "make -f makefile.os4" to build

Compiling for Linux
1) install SDL2 and SDL2_ttf development packages
2) type "make -f makefile.rpi" to build


- animated background
- settings file
- vertical sync
- sound effects (thanks to http://www.bfxr.net)
- next piece display
- instructions display
- new colors
- new font (Resagokr)

0.12: SDL2 port

0.11: refactoring

0.10: first public version

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