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 Readme for:  Demo » Magazine » versus7.lha

Versus #7

Description: Chartmag (AOS4 version).
Download: versus7.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 2Mb
Date: 11 Jan 17
Author: Nukleus & VOID
Submitter: Marko Seppänen
Category: demo/magazine
License: Other
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 10118
Comments: 1
Snapshots: 0
Videos: 0
Downloads:  (Current version)

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           .____\  ________   /______ __ _
_  __ _____|  .___.\  ____/_____  ___ ___
___ ___  ____ |   |_\__ _      / /  //  /
\  \\  \ \   \|   |    |/     / /  //  /
 \__\\__\ \_______|__________/ /__//__/spt

Nukleus and VOID present VERSUS #7   

The existing chartmag on Amiga is back!

This is the AmigaOS 4 version - make sure you have screenmodes (640x480 or
1280x960) defined for correct menu/link coordinates.

                   ._______                     .____
     _ __ ___ _____|      /____ ___/\ _ __/\ ___|    \ _ __/\
          \__\\    |    // ___/___  \\  _ //___ |    \\  _ //___
               \        / __)___ /  _/__ \/    \       \_ \/    \ ___ __ _
                \______/_____  /_\_____________/_______/________//__//

                          * PROUDLY      PRESENTED *
                          *          by            *

              _ __ ___ _____|      /__/\ __   _ __/\
                   \__\\    |    //    \\ _)_.___  \\
                        \        / |     \   |_ /    \ ___ __ _
                         \______/________/__ '/______//__//
            ._________ .____                \/          .____
_ __ _______|       _/_|    \ __.  _ ___.   _ ________ _|    \ ____/\
  \_\\_     \       |  |    \\  |____   |______   ___/  |    \\  _ //___
      |     \       |         \ _  _/___|      \ __)____       \_ \/    \ __ _
      |_____|\______|_________/_|       \_ __ //_____  /_______/________//_/
                            yop |________/   \/      \/

--Versus #7--
 Voting  open: 2016-11-18
 Voting close: 2016-12-11
 - Credits -
  OCS code by Hukka/VOID 
  OS4 code by Menthos of Nukleus
  Android  by Balder/Nukleus & Browallia/Nukleus 
  Music    by Hukka/VOID & Powerslave/VOID
  Graphic  by Browallia/Nukleus

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