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 Readme for:  Graphics » Icon » aggdemoicons.lha


Description: Anti-Grain Geometry Demo Icons
Download: aggdemoicons.lha       (TIPS: Use the right click menu if your browser takes you back here all the time)
Size: 226kb
Version: 0.2
Date: 23 May 06
Author: FuZion
Submitter: FuZion
Requirements: PNG icon support (i.e. PowerIcons)
Category: graphics/icon
Replaces: graphics/icon/aggdemo_icons.lha
License: Public domain
Distribute: yes
Min OS Version: 4.0
FileID: 1846
Comments: 4
Snapshots: 2
Videos: 0
Downloads:  (Current version)

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This is a set of PNG icons for the Anti-Grain Geometry Demos as ported by Steve
Solie (Graphics/Misc/agg2demos.lha).

They should be straight forward to install; Drag the contents of the directory
'AGG' into your 'AGG' drawer or unpack the archive in the directory where you
hold the AGG directory.


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