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Files in this category  [View flat]

File Version Size Date OS Dls Readme
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aalib.lha1.4.0781kb30 Oct 074.013¤ Aalib - An ascii art library
bcl.lha1.2.0svn30174kb25 Apr 114.08¤ Bcl - Basic Compression Library
boost.lha1.33.16Mb19 Mar 064.06¤ Boost - Boost C++ libraries
clib2.lha1.2152Mb29 Jun 174.08¤ Clib2 - A portable ISO 'C' (1994) runtime library
clucene.lha0.9.21b4Mb04 Oct 104.013¤ Clucene - A full-featured, C++ search engine (.a library)
drac.lha1.0b288kb25 Apr 074.015¤ Drac - A card game engine, includes Klondike as example.
expat.lha53.1491kb08 Aug 094.014¤ Expat - Expat C library for parsing XML
freegetopt.lha0.1117kb09 Apr 084.07¤ Freegetopt - Parse arguments passed to your program
glib.lha2.30.119Mb27 May 124.16¤ Glib - GNU utility library (GLib)
gstreamer.lha0.10.3514Mb27 May 124.14¤ Gstreamer - Media streaming library
hunspell.lha1.2.113Mb21 Aug 134.17¤ hunspell - Spell checker and morphological analyzer library
ibm_perflibs.lha1.1331kb04 Nov 094.06¤ Ibm_perflibs - PowerPC Performance Libraries
jansson_library.lha2.12.1215kb08 Apr 214.01¤ jansson.library - A native library for manipulating JSON data
json-c.lha0.17272kb24 Dec 234.0¤ JSON-C - C library for processing JSON
lib3ds.lha1.2.0554kb04 Oct 054.06¤ Lib3ds - lib3ds is a library for working with "3ds" files
lib765.lha0.4.0365kb10 Jun 074.06¤ Lib765 - uPD765a Floppy Disc Controller emulation
libargp.lha1.3362kb25 Feb 084.014¤ Libargp - libargp.a - standalone argp from glibc
libbinio.lha1.4217kb16 Sep 124.06¤ Libbinio - A Binary I/O stream class library
libbz2.lha1.0.8523kb07 May 224.01¤ Libbz2 - Bzip2 file (de)compressor
libcddb.lha1.3.2126kb26 Apr 154.07¤ libcddb - A library to access data on CDDB
libcheapglk.lha0.9.0163kb10 Nov 064.08¤ Libcheapglk - Cheapass Implementation of the Glk API
libchipmunk.lha4.0.2180kb31 Mar 084.06¤ Libchipmunk - 2D physics library
libconfig.lha1.5512kb16 Aug 154.05¤ Libconfig - C/C++ Configuration File Library
libcrtxy.lha0.0.1956kb06 Aug 084.07¤ Libcrtxy - Line-drawing lib for creating retro arcade games.
libcurl.lha8.7.11Mb14 Apr 244.1¤ libcurl - The multiprotocol file transfer library
libdl.lha2.6.3in17kb05 Feb 094.09¤ Libdl - dlopen() etc elf.lib wrapper for SObjs
libdsk.lha1.1.121Mb10 Jun 074.012¤ Libdsk - Link lib for manipulation of disk images
libebml.lha1.3.11Mb17 Jul 154.06¤ Libebml - Library for parsing EBML files
libffi.lha3.0.101021kb21 Aug 124.09¤ Libffi - Foreign Function Interface Library
libfreevec.lha0.81Mb12 Sep 064.05¤ Libfreevec - Altivec optimised replacement clib functions
libfribidi.lha1.0.9230kb23 Jun 204.0¤ Libfribidi - Free Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm
libftgl.lha2.1rc54Mb17 Jul 104.07¤ Libftgl - libftgl
libgen.lha1.03kb09 Apr 084.06¤ Libgen - C general purpose library
libharu.lha2.2.12Mb01 Dec 104.06¤ Libharu - Free PDF Library
libical.lha0.442Mb31 Aug 104.17¤ Libical - iCalendar protocol/format implementation
libiconv.lha1.115Mb25 Jul 104.15¤ Libiconv - libiconv charset conversion library
libiconv_so.lha1.13.12Mb19 Sep 104.05¤ Libiconv_so - Character set conversion library
libicu.lha51.226Mb20 Jun 134.04¤ Libicu - International Components for Unicode
libintl.so.lha58kb13 Jan 114.07¤ Libintl - Native language support library
libjabber.lha274kb31 Oct 074.05¤ Libjabber - Add Jabber support to your messenger app.
libjansson.lha2.7205kb01 Aug 154.06¤ Libjansson - Encode, decode and manipulate JSON data
libjsoncpp.lha1.8.3134kb11 Aug 194.04¤ libjsoncpp - JsonCpp : C++ library for manipulating JSON values
liblcms_so.lha1.17759kb31 Aug 104.14¤ Liblcms_so - Colour management library static/SObj
liblz4.lhar123322kb04 Oct 144.04¤ Liblz4 - Fast lossless compression algorithm
liblzma.lha5.2.1855kb31 Jul 154.04¤ Liblzma - LZMA/XZ compression library
liblzo.lha2.08492kb03 Oct 144.05¤ Liblzo - a realtime data compression library.
libmatroska.lha1.4.22Mb17 Jul 154.05¤ Libmatroska - Library for parsing .mkv/.mka files
libming.lha0.4.41Mb29 Jan 124.07¤ Libming - libming - library tool for creating Flash content
libmkv.lha0.6.5.1113kb10 Feb 134.037¤ Libmkv - Lightweight alternative to libmatroska
libmsn.lha566kb04 Nov 074.05¤ Libmsn - Use this to add MSN support to your messenger app.
libmspack.lha0.0.200609485kb21 Feb 084.08¤ Libmspack - Microsoft packing library (CAB,CHM,HL
libnut.lha27-Mar-10435kb30 Mar 104.07¤ Libnut - libNUT (27th March 10 SVN)
liboauth.lha1.0.3132kb01 Aug 154.06¤ Liboauth - Library implementing the oauth.net API
libocpuis.lha2Mb27 Mar 084.05¤ Libocpuis - 68k CPU emulator library
libopenssl.lha3.3.015Mb14 Apr 244.1¤ libOpenSSL - The open source toolkit for SSL/TLS
liborganya.lha0.191kb19 Dec 104.09¤ Liborganya - A library that plays Cave Story (Organya) music
libpbl.lha1.04.043Mb11 Apr 114.07¤ Libpbl - Program Base Library Functions
libpcre.lha6.4-12Mb08 Jan 064.08¤ Libpcre - Perl-compatible regular expression library
libpcre.so.lha8.10215kb17 Jul 104.18¤ Libpcre - Perl-compatible regular expression lib (shared)
libphysfs.lha226kb27 May 084.06¤ Libphysfs - File system abstraction layer and archive access
libpsem.lha20221203176kb04 Dec 224.01¤ libpsem - POSIX semaphore implementation
libptp2.lha1.1.1070kb17 Mar 124.026¤ Libptp2 - a library used to communicate with PTP devices
libreadline.lha5.24Mb12 Nov 084.05¤ Libreadline - Library for editing command lines
libregex.lha4.4.370kb30 Jul 074.06¤ Libregex - Regular Expression library
librtmp.lha2.4476kb21 Jul 234.12¤ librtmp - A support library for RTMP streams
libsdl2_net.lha2.2.088kb20 Mar 244.1¤ Libsdl2_net - SDL2_net portable network library
libsdl_console.lha2.1560kb07 Oct 064.04¤ Libsdl_console - A quake-like drop-down console for SDL
libsdl_net.lha1.2.757kb08 Jan 124.08¤ Libsdl_net - SDL_net portable network library
libsigc.lha2.2.39Mb01 Jun 094.07¤ Libsigc - libsigc++ - Callback Framework for C++
libspectrum.lha0.3.0279kb10 Jun 074.07¤ Libspectrum - Read/write ZX Spectrum emulator files
libsps.lha1.12Mb14 Nov 064.07¤ Libsps - C++ Multithreading Library
libtar.lha1.2.20171kb16 Aug 154.011¤ Libtar - C library for manipulating tar files
libtre.lha0.8.0356kb25 Oct 124.06¤ Libtre - regexp matching library, agrep
libucl.lha1.03207kb29 Sep 084.08¤ Libucl - UCL is a lossless data compression library
libwide.lha71kb01 Aug 174.06¤ libwide.a - some wide-character functions for clib2
libwin32.rar0.246kb20 Apr 114.04¤ Libwin32 - Wrapper for Windows API functions
libwprintf.lha2022120332kb04 Dec 224.02¤ libwprintf - Wide char printf functions
libwww.lha5.4.028Mb14 Sep 054.07¤ Libwww - The W3C Protocol Library
libx264.lhar1648Mb20 Sep 234.12¤ Libx264 - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video compression library
libyahoo2.lha0.7.5700kb31 Oct 074.07¤ Libyahoo2 - Add Yahoo2 support to your messenger app.
libyaml-cpp.lha0.3.04Mb18 Dec 124.05¤ Libyaml-cpp - A YAML parser and emitter for C++
libyaml.lha0.1.4311kb18 Dec 124.05¤ Libyaml - A C lib for parsing and emitting YAML
libz.lha1.3.1255kb20 Apr 244.11¤ LibZ - libZ / zlib / z library (.a/.so)
libzip.lha1.1.3766kb15 Oct 164.05¤ Libzip - Read, create and modify zip archives
metakit.lha2.4.9.7678kb08 Jun 104.07¤ Metakit - Metakit embedded database library
neat.lha0.8635kb10 Feb 104.18¤ Neat - Amiga Neat C++ framework
neon.lha0.29.6835kb27 May 124.06¤ Neon - HTTP and WebDAV client library
perl_reaction.tar.bz20.053Mb24 Oct 114.04¤ Perl_reaction - Perl_Reaction - make perl scripts with GUIs
pil.lha1.1.72Mb21 Aug 124.16¤ Pil - Python Imaging Library
provagdg.zip1.056kb08 Dec 064.07¤ Provagdg - Gadget BOOPSI ListBrowserShowFiles
pthreads.lha1.483kb31 May 054.026¤ Pthreads - Shared library implementation of POSIX threads
pygame.lha1.9.14Mb18 Aug 104.17¤ Pygame - an SDL binding for Python
pygamesrc.lha1.9.12Mb18 Aug 104.17¤ Pygamesrc - pygame source archive
pypdf2.lha1.2386kb10 Nov 164.19¤ PyPDF2 - Manipulate PDFs from python code
rexxmlib.lha1.1188kb20 Jun 224.12¤ RexXMLib - ARexx XML procedure library
sdl_eventmap.lha0.1486kb15 Oct 064.07¤ Sdl_eventmap - A uniform event-mapping library for SDL
sdl_perl.tar.bz21.19.22Mb08 Jan 064.04¤ Sdl_perl - SDL_perl extention for amigaos4, (dynamic)
sdl_ttf_net.lha57kb29 Sep 054.010¤ Sdl_ttf_net - SDL_Net & SDL_ttf
sqlite.lha3.7.512Mb30 Sep 164.18¤ SQLite - SQL database engine
stlport.lha4.6.2737kb11 Oct 044.09¤ Stlport - STLport C++ standard library
sysvipc.lhaRC12Mb05 Feb 214.02¤ Sysvipc - SystemV IPC implemementation for AmigaOS 4
termcap.lha1.3.1490kb25 Jul 064.010¤ Termcap - GNU termcap library
uninameslist.lha200507121Mb13 Mar 064.05¤ Uninameslist - A Library of Unicode annotation data
unisupport.lha1.0beta80kb22 Jul 084.09¤ Unisupport - Static library; extension to Uni-Library
unrarlib.lha0.4.0257kb18 May 084.08¤ Unrarlib - UniquE RAR File Library
vbcc_posixlib.lha3.0366kb28 Mar 224.02¤ Vbcc_posixlib - POSIX compatibility library for Vbcc
wrap_sql.tar.gz1.05kb19 May 054.06¤ Wrap_sql - SQL interface to various SQL databases
xadmaster_includes.tar.bz213kb12 Mar 124.05¤ Xadmaster_includes - OS4 includes for xadmaster.library
xerxces-c.lha3.0.048Mb11 May 094.06¤ Xerxces-c - Xerces-C++ XML Parser
xfd.lha115kb31 Aug 104.07¤ Xfd - xfdmaster.library glue code & dev files
xpkmaster_incs.tar.bz27kb04 Aug 124.05¤ Xpkmaster_incs - OS4 includes for xpkmaster.library
zlibrary.lha50.040kb20 Feb 064.010¤ Zlibrary - zlib core as a shared library for AmigaOS 4
zziplib-src.gz0.10.02777kb01 Sep 084.04¤ Zziplib-src - ZZipLib source archive
zziplib.lha0.10.02158kb01 Sep 084.06¤ Zziplib - A library for transparent read access to zip files
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